Was looking through my email archives for LambdaMOO stuff, and saw something about an Agoran MOO that used to exist. Is the database for that available anywhere? I would love to explore it and see what people made, even if it's otherwise dead.
- DIS: Agoran MOO? Sgeo
- Re: DIS: Agoran MOO? Kerim Aydin
- Re: DIS: Agoran MOO? Aris Merchant
- Re: DIS: Agoran MOO? Jason Cobb
- Re: DIS: Agoran MOO? Aris Merchant
- Re: DIS: Agoran MOO? Jason Cobb
- Re: DIS: Agoran MOO? David Nicol
- Re: DIS: Agoran MOO? Ørjan Johansen
- Re: DIS: Agoran MOO? Kerim Aydin
- Re: DIS: Agoran MOO? David Nicol