On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 4:21 AM Nch via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 30, 2019 1:59 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@uw.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Jason Cobb, I'm really sorry I've been delayed about your thesis. I keep
> > thinking "this falls between Masters and PhD and I keep meaning to look back
> > for ais523's theses to get advice" and then not getting around to it.
> >
> > One thing for everyone: do we want to support the idea of "academic
> > progression"? That is, your first "really long/challenging thesis" is a
> > masters, and the next one (even if the same level or slightly lower) is a
> > PhD?
> I prefer it being progressive. IRL you could theoretically produce a much 
> better Masters thesis than your PhD thesis. The PhD doesn't represent just 
> the final product but also the training and experience you have.
> Reserving the PhD for players that have contributed 2+ great theses makes it 
> a marker of consistent contribution and effort, rather than a potential 
> 1-off, and gives it more distinction.

That's a really good point - it reminded me of something my advisor
told me when I was suffering through quals:  "the point of a PhD isn't
your dissertation or original research, it's so you can be hired to
start a program in your field in a new university, and know enough to
teach the basics of your whole discipline."   For a masters', the
point was really the research -  I've been on a couple grad committees
where, in terms of work time put into the thesis, the masters thesis
was greater than the dissertation.


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