My 2 cents: I believe the answer to this is TRUE.

I think game custom provides that the Ruleset is the set-of-all-rules. I am not 
sure what the alternative definition could be. There’s no reason for the 
Ruleset to be a subset-of-all-rules, and we wouldn’t have any principled way to 
discern which rules are included in that Ruleset and which aren’t.

If the Ruleset is the set-of-all-rules, then ratifying the Ruleset would 
“modif[y]” the “gamestate” to what“what it would be if, at the time the [Short 
Logical Ruleset] was published, the gamestate had been minimally modified to 
make the ratified [Short Logical Ruleset] as true and accurate as possible.” 

I think that would imply that the gamestate is modified such that the SLR would 
truly and accurately represent the set-of-all-rules, with the implication that 
any rule not in the ratified SLR would cease to exist.

> On Sep 28, 2019, at 12:48 PM, Kerim Aydin <> wrote:
> CFJ:  Ratifying the SLR also ratifies the fact that no other
> Rules (other than those in the ratified SLR) exist.
> Caller's Arguments:
> By R1681, the SLR is a format of the ruleset:
> >     The Short Logical Ruleset (SLR) is a format of the ruleset.
> By R1051, it is also part of the Rulekeepor's Weekly Report:
> >     The Rulekeepor's Weekly report includes the Short Logical Ruleset.
> In the rules, "the ruleset" is not explicitly defined, but a common
> definition would be "the set of all rules".
> So does ratifying the SLR ratify the implication that there are
> no other rules (i.e. that the ratified set is complete)?  Note that in
> some types of reports we explicitly handle/cover missing values, e.g.
> in R2162 for switches:
> >                                                     a public document
> >        purporting to be this portion of that officer's report is
> >        self-ratifying, and implies that other instances are at their
> >        default value.
> We don't have text like that for the SLR/the ruleset.
> If it's useful, here's how Proposal 8175 (adopted 08-May-2019) phrased the
> last SLR ratification:
> > ID: 8175
> > Title: SLR Ratification
> > Adoption index: 3.0
> > Author: Aris
> > Co-authors:
> >
> >
> > Ratify the Short Logical Ruleset published on the 24th of February, 2019,
> > available here [1].
> >
> > [1]
> > /2019-February/012797.html

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