On Friday, October 18, 2019 4:24 PM, Jason Cobb <jason.e.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I like the idea (seems to be almost the inverse of my submission to the
> subgame constest :P). A few possible issues below.
> On 10/18/19 5:05 PM, Nch wrote:
> > When a player registers for the first time since this proposal was passed, 
> > they enter the Popularity* Contest automatically.
> Possible ambiguity: is this registration for the first time ever (that
> happens to be after the proposal was passed), or is it the first
> registration after the proposal passed (whether or not the person was
> ever registered before the proposal passed).
> > At any time each Contestant may, by announcement, specify a Contestant as a 
> > Target.
> Is there a reason that Target can't be a person switch?

Thanks for the detailed feedback, just resubmitted a much more Agoran version 
incorporating all of it. I submitted it this way (read: sloppily written) 
because I'm currently working on a thesis about best design practices for 
proposals and rules, so I sorta used you to field test some common feedback for 
poorly written proposals.

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