On Thu., Sep. 12, 2019, 14:15 James Cook, <jc...@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:

> On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 at 10:07, Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Create a new rule with title "Balancing", power 2, and text:
> >        During the first Eastman week of each month, the Treasuror CAN and
> >        SHALL perform the following actions, collectively known as
> >        Balancing, in sequence:
> >
> >        1. Establish the performance value of each interest group as
> >           follows:
> >           A. Justice: (the number of cases submitted in the previous
> >              Agoran month that were not issued a valid judgement within
> >              one week of being assigned) / (the number of cases submitted
> >              in the previous Agoran month)
> >           B. Efficiency: The mean of the following value for each office:
> >              - If the office has no monthly or weekly duties, 0.
> >              - If the office has monthly duties but no weekly duties, 0
> >                if its monthly duties were performed in the previous
> >                Agoran month; 1 otherwise.
> >              - If the office has weekly duties but no monthly duties,
> >                (the number of weeks its weekly duties were not
> >                performed in the previous Agoran month) / 4.
> >              - If the office has both monthly and weekly duties, ((the
> >                number of weeks its weekly duties were not performed in
> >                the previous Agoran month) + (1 if its monthly duties were
> >                not performed in the previous month)) / 5.
> >           C. Legislation: (the number of proposals submitted in the
> >              previous Agoran month whose outcomes were not ADOPTED) /
> >              (the number of proposals submitted in the previous Agoran
> >              month)
> >           D. Participation: (the number of Agoran decisions initiated in
> >              the previous Agoran month whose outcome was FAILED QUORUM) /
> >              (the number of Agoran decisions initiated in the previous
> >              Agoran month)
> >        2. For each interest group:
> >           A. generate a random number between 0 and 1 to at least three
> >              significant digits.
> >           B. Increment the value of the interest group by one if the
> >              generated number is equal to or greater than the performance
> >              value of the interest group; otherwise decrement its value
> by
> >              one.
> >        3. Create a public message that includes all relevant values
> >           from this process.
> What if, instead of these balancing rules, each interest group does a
> stock (cheque) buy-back every quarter, and the only way to cash in a
> cheque between quarters is to sell it to another player?
> Specifically:
> * Make cheques of each interest group a currency so players can exchange
> them.
> * At the start of each quarter, every interest group does a cheque
> buy-back. It works like this. I'll use Efficiency as the example.
>  * Efficiency earns 50 Coins.
>  * Each player can declare sell offers. E.g. I offer to cell 3
> efficiency cheques for 5 Coins each, and an additional 2 efficiency
> cheques for 10 Coins each.
>  * After the offer period is over, Efficiency spends its 50 Coins to
> buy as many cheques as possible, starting with the lowest sell offers
> and working its way up.
> Benefits:
> * Self-balancing: We still have the property that if officers slack
> off, then efficiency cheques are worth more, simply because fewer will
> be issued.
> * Nobody needs to explicitly keep track of how many reports were missed.
> * We can have fun speculating about prices and selling cheques to each
> other.
> Other interest groups:
> If Justice also gets 50 Coins per quarter, that would mean judging a
> CFJ is more lucrative if fewer are being called. If we don't like that
> we could grant Justice a number of Coins depending on the total number
> of CFJs called, which shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
> Same for participation, though it seems desirable to me that
> participation is rewarded more when people aren't voting.

Follow up note: with this change, in theory it's fine to issue a huge
number of legislation cheques like AI*(F-A) since the value of a cheque at
buy-back time will just correspondingly go down. I don't have an opinion
right now on how much passing proposals should be worth.


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