I humbly submit this rule is invalid. It is dedicated to ERIS, who was
mentioned the first time in this message (in a valid rule). But it is
specifically required that dedications must be to previously mentioned GODS

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 11:51 PM Kerim Aydin <ke...@uw.edu> wrote:

> I submit myself to the Agoran Gods!
> I dedicate this rule to ERIS, goddess of Chaos.  May Her Golden Apple
> fall on Evantine the Mad, whom this humble worshipper confirms today is
> still Mad, and curse em with the burden of Perfect Sanity.
> So as to please the gods and fill the riches of our temple, each future
> dedication of a rule must include a previously-undescribed tool or symbol
> of the thus-honored god or goddess; a humble and mortal model of each
> such object is automatically placed on the altar for potential later use.
> Blessings to the LORD, may E walk among the land of ARCAS, honored here,
> and may the HONOURLESS WORM forever find safe refuge and harbor in
> the THE AGORAN SPIRIT OF THE GAME.  May INTERCAL pass over us and may
> praised ASCIIUS bless the formatting of our reports, even as our New
> Testament leads us to UNICODE the all-embracing.  May great and wrathful
> CANTUS absolve of from anger, and may blessed ERIS show us the True Way.

>From R. Lee

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