I note that G can also now win by coins

On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 3:19 PM James Cook <jc...@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                               Forbes 500
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date of this report: 2019-08-05
> Date of last report: 2019-07-30
> Archive of reports on the web:
> https://agoranomic.org/Treasuror/reports/weekly/
> ========================================================================
> This section does not self-ratify.
>    Asset class    Recordkeepor    Ownership
>    -----------    ------------    -------------------------
>    Coins          Treasuror       Agora, players, contracts
>    Blots          Referee         Persons
>    Spaceships     Astronomor      Players
>    Energy         Astronomor      Spaceships
> ========================================================================
> This section self-ratifies.
> Entities not listed have a Coin balance of 0.
>    Coins    Active player
>    -----    -------------
>      166    ATMunn
>      219    Aris
>       30    Baron von Vaderham
>       50    Bernie
>       94    CuddleBeam
>     1079    D. Margaux
>      445    Falsifian
>     1006    G.
>      110    Gaelan
>      194    Jason Cobb
>      237    Murphy
>       20    o
>      151    omd
>       91    Rance
>      515    Trigon
>      898    twg
>       34    Walker
>    Coins    Zombie
>    -----    ------
>       60    Corona
>       20    Hālian
>       10    Jacob Arduino
>       30    L
>       60    Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>       20    Telnaior
>    Coins    Non-player entity
>    -----    -----------------
>     1327    Agora
>       87    Lost and Found Department
>       20    Reformed Church [1]
> ========================================================================
> This section is purely informational and does not self-ratify.
> Entity             Change  Date (UTC)        Reason
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> D. Margaux       +  5c.  2019-08-04 12:28  Reward (judging CFJ 3764)
> twg              +  5c.  2019-08-04 10:44  Reward (judging CFJ 3762)
> Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-08-04 05:07  Reward (Astronomor weekly)
> Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-08-03 22:43  Reward (judging CFJ 3765)
> Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-08-03 17:20  Reward (judging CFJ 3766)
> G.               +  5c.  2019-08-03 00:40  Reward (judging CFJ 3761)
> G.               +  5c.  2019-08-03 00:40  Reward (Arbitor weekly)
> Trigon           +  5c.  2019-08-01 19:44  Reward (Rulekeepor weekly)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-08-01 15:59  Reward (Regsitrar monthly)
> ATMunn           + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Aris             + 20c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday (Promotor, Speaker)
> Baron v V [0]    + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Bernie           + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Corona           + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Cuddle Beam      + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> D. Margaux       + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Falsifian        + 20c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday (Registrar, Treasuror)
> G.               + 30c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday (Arbitor, Herald,
>                                            Prime Minister, Tailor)
> Gaelan           + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Hālian           + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Jacob Arduino    + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Jason Cobb       + 15c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday (Assessor)
> L                + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Murphy           + 15c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday (ADoP)
> o                + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> omd              + 15c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday (Distributor)
> PSS              + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Rance            + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Telnaior         + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Trigon           + 15c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday (Rulekeepor)
> twg              + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> Walker           + 10c.  2019-08-01 00:00  Payday
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-31 20:44  Reward (Tailor monthly)
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-31 20:44  Reward (Herald monthly)
> Aris             +  5c.  2019-07-30 19:13  Reward (judging CFJ 3759)
> Aris             +  5c.  2019-07-30 19:01  Reward (Promotor weekly)
> Hālian           + 10c.  2019-07-30 02:54  Welcome Package
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-30 02:50  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-30 02:50  Reward (Registrar weekly)
> -- last weekly report -- 2019-07-30 02:45  -- last weekly report --
> R. Lee           -116c.  2019-07-29 03:00  Deregistration
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-28 22:38  Reward (Herald weekly)
> G.               + 39c.  2019-07-27 16:44  Reward (Proposal 8211)
> G.               + 14c.  2019-07-27 16:44  Reward (Proposal 8192)
> G.               + 28c.  2019-07-27 16:44  Reward (Proposal 8190)
> G.               + 39c.  2019-07-27 16:44  Reward (Proposal 8188)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-27 12:43  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-27 12:43  Reward (Registrar weekly)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-27 12:43  Reward (judging CFJ 3757)
> nch              - 35c.  2019-07-25 01:25  Deregistration
> nch              + 14c.  2019-07-25 00:38  Reward (Proposal 8214)
> nch              + 12c.  2019-07-25 00:38  Reward (Proposal 8213)
> Falsifian        + 20c.  2019-07-24 14:30  Reward (degree of J.N.)
> Falsifian        + 24c.  2019-07-24 14:30  Reward (Proposal 8202)
> twg              +  5c.  2019-07-23 12:22  Reward (judging CFJ 3756)
> Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-07-23 03:02  Reward (Resolving a decision)
> G.               + 15c.  2019-07-23 02:57  Transfer from Jason Cobb
> Jason Cobb       - 15c.  2019-07-23 02:57  Transfer to G.
> R. Lee           + 11c.  2019-07-23 01:50  Reward (Proposal 8204)
> R. Lee           + 15c.  2019-07-23 01:48  Reward (Proposal 8191)
> Jason Cobb       + 16c.  2019-07-23 01:46  Reward (Propsoal 8203)
> Jason Cobb       +  8c.  2019-07-23 01:46  Reward (Propsoal 8206)
> Jason Cobb       + 27c.  2019-07-23 01:46  Reward (Propsoal 8212)
> Jason Cobb       + 24c.  2019-07-23 01:42  Reward (Proposal 8189)
> Trigon           +  5c.  2019-07-21 22:19  Reward (Rulekeepor weekly)
> Trigon           +  5c.  2019-07-21 22:19  Reward (judging CFJ 3758)
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-21 18:53  Reward (Herald weekly)
> R. Lee           +  5c.  2019-07-19 01:05  Reward (Referee weekly)
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-18 06:44  Reward (Arbitor weekly)
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-18 06:44  Reward (judging CFJ 3755)
> R. Lee           +  5c.  2019-07-16 09:19  Reward (Astronomor weekly)
> Aris             +  5c.  2019-07-16 00:59  Reward (Promotor weekly)
> nch              -  1c.  2019-07-14 22:04  Spaceship repair
>                      or  2019-07-15 02:15
> nch              + 10c.  2019-07-14 21:32  Welcome Package
> Trigon           +  5c.  2019-07-14 07:47  Reward (Rulekeepor monthly)
> Trigon           +  5c.  2019-07-14 07:47  Reward (Rulekeepor weekly)
> R. Lee           + 20c.  2019-07-13 21:53  Transfer from Hālian
> Hālian           - 20c.  2019-07-13 21:53  Transfer to R. Lee
> Agora            +  5c.  2019-07-13 21:53  Transfer from R. Lee
> R. Lee           -  5c.  2019-07-13 21:53  Transfer to Agora
> twg              +128c.  2019-07-13 20:35  Transfer from Jacob Arduino
> Jacob Arduino    -128c.  2019-07-13 20:35  Transfer to twg
> Agora            + 87c.  2019-07-13 20:35  Transfer from twg
> twg              - 87c.  2019-07-13 20:35  Transfer to Agora
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-12 21:30  Reward (judging CFJ 3754)
> R. Lee           +  5c.  2019-07-11 05:55  Reward (judging CFJ 3745)
> R. Lee           +  5c.  2019-07-11 05:55  Reward (judging CFJ 3744)
> R. Lee           +  5c.  2019-07-11 05:04  Reward (Referee weekly)
> Jason Cobb       +  5c.  2019-07-11 03:19  Reward (resolving)
> Jason Cobb       +  3c.  2019-07-11 01:04  Reward (Proposal 8198)
> G.               + 20c.  2019-07-11 00:12  Transfer from Jason Cobb
> Jason Cobb       - 20c.  2019-07-11 00:12  Transfer to G.
> Jason Cobb       + 36c.  2019-07-10 14:48  Reward (Proposal 8187)
> Jason Cobb       + 33c.  2019-07-10 14:48  Reward (Proposal 8186)
> Jason Cobb       + 27c.  2019-07-10 14:48  Reward (Proposal 8182)
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:56  Reward (Herald weekly)
> R. Lee           +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:34  Reward (Astronomor weekly)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:27  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:24  Reward (Registrar weekly)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:24  Reward (re-judging CFJ 3751)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:24  Reward (judging CFJ 3751)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:24  Reward (Registrar monthly)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:24  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
> Falsifian        +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:24  Reward (Registrar weekly)
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-09 00:23  Reward (Arbitor weekly)
> R. Lee           + 20c.  2019-07-06 05:05  Transfer from Tarhalindur
> Tarhalindur      - 20c.  2019-07-06 05:05  Transfer to R. Lee
> G.               +  5c.  2019-07-05 15:11  Reward (Arbitor weekly)
> [0] Baron von Vaderham, abbreviated to save space.
> [1] Contract proposed by G. on 2019-06-06, titled 'Reformed Church of
>     the Ritual - Candle Division ("Reformed Church")'
> --
> - Falsifian

>From R. Lee

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