On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 10:31 PM Jason Cobb <jason.e.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8/4/19 1:23 AM, James Cook wrote:
> >        Whenever a player has not done so in the past 4 days, e CAN
> >        Commune with the Wheel by announcement, specifying Rock, Paper or
> >        Scissors.  A player CAN Reach into the Past by announcement at any
> >        time. If a player Communes the Wheel at a time T, and does not
> >        Reach into the Past in the four days following T, then at time T
> >        the value of the Roshambo Wheel is changed to the value e
> >        specified.
> I've been grappling with this for a while now, and I'm not sure that
> this works. (Read: very, very unsure. It took me a while to decide to
> even send this message, and I've started writing and then discarded
> something like it several times.)
> Rule 2141 reads, in part:
> > A rule is a type of instrument with the capacity to govern the
> > game generally, and is always taking effect. A rule's content
> > takes the form of a text, and is unlimited in scope.
> This is the only place that states that the Rules actually take effect,
> and when they do so. Given the specification "at time T", I don't think
> that a Rule can point to an arbitrary time and say "disregard what time
> it is now, I'm taking effect _then_".

Even if this doesn’t actually work, we could probably understand it as
establishing a legal fiction for the purposes of that rule. Of course,
legal fictions can say whatever they want, so that wouldn’t be a problem.
Convincing another rule of higher power to accept the legal fiction is a
different matter, and why I don’t think this would work in general without
a high powered enabling rule. In this specific case, that isn’t a problem
because everything is self contained and no other rule needs to take notice
of the legal fiction.



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