On 8/3/2019 12:16 PM, D. Margaux wrote:
> Judged FALSE. NCH voluntarily deregistered less than 30 days ago. Under
> Rule 849, if a player does that, then "e CANNOT register or be registered
> for 30 days." In my opinion, a proposal "purporting to register nch" would
> constitute an attempt to have nch "be registered" less than 30 days after
> his voluntary deregistration. That attempt necessarily fails under Rule
> 849.
Oh, duh. Of course Proposal 8227 won't work to register nch despite being
power-3.1, regardless of nch's consent. R106:
Except as prohibited by other rules, a proposal that
takes effect CAN and does, as part of its effect, apply the
changes that it specifies.
R849 clearly prohibits the registration. The "Comptrollor" ban we added
in R2140 recently to prevent lower-powered rules from prohibiting proposal
clauses in higher-powered proposals doesn't apply, because R2140 includes
the "below the power of this rule" qualifier and R849 is power 3.