On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 7:56 AM Kerim Aydin <ke...@uw.edu> wrote: > > Please reply to this thread to indicate interest in judging. > > We've had people favor cases lately that are technically "uninterested" by > my tracking, and also people technically "interested" dropping cases. So > time for a refresh. > > If you want your favoring requests to be honored, please sign up as > interested and be willing to help clear cases in general. > (since I've got cases to assign, I'm still going to keep people who have > been timely at judging recently on the list, so this is a partial refresh).
H. Arbitor, I only sporadically have the time to judge cases, given the fluctuation in my other workload (both IRL and Agoran). When I do, I think my opinions are generally pretty decent. Do you mean you will no longer accept my favoring of cases? -Aris > >