Oh, I missed the R991 part.

I was looking at this in R2492:
When a judge recuses emself from a CFJ, then
      * the CFJ becomes unassigned;

If the R991 text didn't exist, then R2492 would define
what "recuse" means, but it's specific recusing oneself
whereas here in R591 what's used is "remove":
      Arbitor CAN remove em from being the judge of that case by

I was actually fairly certain that "Recuse" was a synonym for
"remove from case" based on common usage anyway, I was just being over-

Anyhow, there's definitely room to condense some text between
the 3 rules, working on it...

On 7/17/2019 3:45 PM, Jason Cobb wrote:
Why so?

Rule 991 ("Calls for Judgement"):

To "remove" or "recuse" a person from a being the judge of a CFJ is to flip that CFJ's judge from that person to unassigned.
(although it looks like there's a typo in there)

Jason Cobb

On 7/17/19 6:40 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
Hmm, the term "recuse" looks like it only applies to self-removal
(something to fix).

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