Falsifian wrote:
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 at 06:37, D. Margaux <dmargaux...@gmail.com> wrote:
I earn 10 coins total (5 for each of my two most recent CFJs)
I think this didn't work, since the order of these two actions is
ambiguous. R478 requires actions by announcement to be unambigious,
and also says the actions take place in the order they appear in the
message. Let me know if you think I'm mistaken; for now I'll assume as
Treasuror that it didn't work.
There was a past rule and/or CFJ to the effect that this type of
ambiguous ordering is still effective, provided that the choice
doesn't make any substantive difference to the gamestate. (In this
case, either order would lead to D. Margaux earning a total of 10
coins. Contrast e.g. a hypothetical rule where the judge's first
salary of the week also gave some coins to the submitter of the
relevant case.)