I cfj the following : "There was only one valid bid, namely for 1 coin by CuddleBeam."
Argument against : Trigon bid 2 Mexican pesos. Mexican pesos are coins. Valid currency for this auctions is coins Since Trigon bid two coins, and nowhere was it stated that the only legal tender was an AGORAN coin, I argue that there were TWO valid bids. If this is accepted, { { I cfj the following: "Trigon is the winner of the auction" Argument in favour : Trigon bid two coins, which is more than CuddleBeam bid. The highest bidder wins the auction. Therefore Trigon wins the auction. } AND { I point my finger at the Auctioneer for failing in eir duty, which was evidently to either dismiss or acknowledge the bid of two coins by Trigon, instead of ignoring it.} } ________________________________ From: agora-business <agora-business-boun...@agoranomic.org> on behalf of omd <c.ome...@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 10:49:21 PM To: agora-busin...@agoranomic.org Subject: BUS: Re: OFF: Dollar Auction On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 12:29 AM omd <c.ome...@gmail.com> wrote: > I hereby initiate an Auction. I am the Auctioneer and the Announcer; > the currency is coins, and the minimum bid is one coin. > > This Auction contains a single lot, and that lot contains a single item, > namely, > > ONE UNITED STATES DOLLAR. As the Announcer, I announce the end of this Auction. There was only one valid bid, namely for 1 coin by CuddleBeam. E is the winner of the only lot, and is now required to transfer payment.