Protip: cron has built-in email forwarding - you can add 
`MAILTO=""` at the start of your crontab to get it to send 
you anything that gets printed to stderr.

(I feel your pain. At least one of my domain names goes down every three months 
like clockwork.)


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, May 31, 2019 1:54 AM, James Cook <> wrote:

> When I try to load, I see a certificate error:
> "Firefox detected an issue and did not continue to
> The website is either misconfigured or your
> computer clock is set to the wrong time."
> Firefox won't even let me override the warning:
> " has a security policy called HTTP Strict
> Transport Security (HSTS), which means that Firefox can only connect
> to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site."
> though Chrome is more flexible.
> If it's not easy to update the certificate, perhaps HSTS should be
> disabled since https technically isn't working (and Firefox is taking
> that seriously)?

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