This is actually a contract and a tournament, the contract existing solely to help the iterative design I want to go for here. Here is the rough draft:

===== CONTRACT =====


   - The Lord-Ruler of Arcadia is the player designated as such by this
     contract. Currently, Trigon is the Lord-Ruler.

   - If the Lord-Ruler is the gamemaster of any tournament created in
     response to this contract, that tournament is the Arcadian

   - The Tournament Template is a textual entity.

   - Arcadian Proposals are textual entities.

   - The Iteration Date is a singleton switch with the possible values
     of any date or Never (the default).


   - If no Arcadian Tournament exists, the Lord-Ruler CAN and SHOULD
     announce a new date and set the Iteration Date to it.

   - On the Iteration Date, the Lord-Ruler SHALL set the Iteration Date
     to Never and then attempt to begin a new Free Tournament, as
     described in Rule 2566, with the set of regulations supplied by the
     Tournament Template. Parties to this contract are ENCOURAGED to
     support this attempt.

Modifying the Game

   - Any party to this contract can create an Arcadian Proposal by
     announcement by specifying its text.

   - With 2 support and without 2 objections from active parties to this
     contract, the player who submitted an Arcadian Proposal CAN apply
     any changes listed therein to the Tournament Template and post to
     the Public Forum the full modified Tournament Template.

===== TOURNAMENT =====


   - Land Units are assets. The Map is the term for the set of all Land
     Units. Each Land Unit has switches for Latitude and Longitude. Both
     are integers between 1 and 9, inclusive.

   - Exactly one Land Unit can exist for each combination of Latitude
     and Longitude. If there ever exist more than one land unit with the
     same Latitude and Longitude pair, the most recently created ones
     are destroyed. Likewise, if there ever is a possible Latitude and
     Longitude pair where no Land Units exist, a new Land Unit is
     created with that Latitude and Longitude.

   - The Location of a Land Unit is its (Latitude, Longitude) pair.

   - Any land for which ownership has not been explicitly defined is
     owned by Agora.

   - Land Units belonging to Agora are called Public Land, and Land
     Units belonging to any other entity are called Private Land.

   - Two Land Units are adjacent if they have the same Latitude, and
     their Longitudes differ by exactly one; or they have the same
     Longitude, and their Latitudes differ by exactly one.

   - Land Unit A is said to be connected to Land Unit B by an attribute
     if it is possible to reach B by moving only to adjacent Land Units
     that have that attribute, starting from A.

   - Land Type is a Land Unit switch with the possible values of Black,
     White, and Aether (the default).

   - A group of Land Units is a set thereof where every member of the
     set is connected to every other member of the set by Land Type.

   - Facility is a Land Unit switch with the possible values of Farm,
     Mine, Orchard, Monument, and None (the default).

   - The act of setting a Facility switch to any value other than None
     is called building. The act of setting a Facility switch to None is
     called destroying.

   - Food, Stone, and Lumber are each currencies.


   - Players, upon joining this tournament, are given 2 Stone and 2

   - Energy is a player switch with the possible values of all integers
     0 or above. Every day at midnight, each player's Energy is set to
     6. Any actions that would set a player's Energy to be less than 0

   - Players CAN, by announcement, destroy N Food in order to increase
     eir Energy by N.

   - The Alternating Land Type is a singleton switch. Its possible
     values are Black and White.

   - Participants CAN set the Land Type of a Land Unit whose type is
     Aether to the value of the Alternating Land Type and transfer it to
     emself by announcement. This action decreases eir Energy by one
     more than the amount of times this action has been performed by the
     player in question since another player has performed this action.
     This action also flips the Alternating Land Type to its other
     possible value.

   - The owner of a Land Unit with a Facility value None CAN set that
     Land Unit's Facility value to Farm by destroying 1 Lumber and 1
     Stone, to Mine by destroying 2 Lumber, or to Orchard by destroying
     2 Stone. Each of these actions decreases eir Energy by 2.

   - The owner of a Land Unit with a Facility value not equal to None
     can set its Facility value to None by announcement. This action
     decreases eir Energy by 1.

   - Every day at midnight, for each Farm each player owns, 1 Food is
     created in eir possession; for each Mine each player owns, 1 Stone
     is created in eir possession; and for each Orchard each player
     owns, 1 Lumber is created in eir possession.

   - Players CAN, by announcement, set the Facility of a Land Unit e
     owns to Monument by destroying 20 Food, 20 Stones, and 20 Lumber.
     The first player to do so wins the tournament.


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