On 4/8/2019 12:03 PM, James Cook wrote:
I've just been busy, personally.
Ya I totally meant to add the "just busy" option...
When I have time I've been meaning to figure out what the rules say about the zombie auction I bid in that never was announced completed, so technically I'm not lacking for something to do.
Hmm, it's in the last two paragraphs of Rule 2551:
For each lot in the Auction, the winner of that lot is the player with the highest priority on the Auction who has not won any previous lot. If there are more lots than there are persons with non-withdrawn bids, the excess lots are not won by any person. The winner of a lot SHALL pay the Auctioneer the number of the Auction's currency equal to eir bid, in a single payment, in a timely fashion. When e does so, if the auctioneer CAN transfer the items in that lot to that winner at will, e immediately does so; otherwise, e SHALL do so in a timely fashion.
This puts the burden on the highest bidder to pay "in a timely fashion". In a timely fashion from what? Probably from when the auction ends (automatically), not from the announcement. So this means you should have paid, and broke the SHALL by not paying, and the announcement doesn't affect that at all. But maybe that's wrong. And if you pay now, do you get the zombie? Dunno. In the last paragraph, in "When e does so", is the "does so" referring to (SHALL pay) or (SHALL pay [...] in a timely fashion)? I think the latter which means you wouldn't be able to pay now? That's not really ideal... -G.