Maybe you’re right. Either way, you could do any number of 
not-quite-ossification things (for instance, proposals authored by anyone other 
than you can only amend if the author published the full text of the proposal 
3.5+ weeks ago).


> On Feb 21, 2019, at 12:52 AM, Madeline <> wrote:
> Wouldn't it just be ossified because arbitrary rule changes cannot be made? 
> The "and/or" does function as an or!
> On 2019-02-21 19:37, Gaelan Steele wrote:
>> I create the AI-1 proposal “Minor bug fix” with the following text:
>> {
>> Create the power-1 rule “Don’t mind me” with the following text:
>> {The rules CANNOT change by any mechanism.}
>> }
>> Why that works (at power 1):
>> 106/40: "Except as prohibited by other rules, a proposal that takes effect 
>> CAN and does, as part of its effect, apply the changes that it specifies"
>> 106/40: "Preventing a proposal from taking effect is a secured change; this 
>> does not apply to generally preventing changes to specified areas of the 
>> gamestate”
>> The proposed rule is a prohibition on a certain type of change. Because 106 
>> says “except as prohibited by other rules”, it defers to this rule.
>> The second quoted clause fails to prevent this, because the rule "generally 
>> [prevents] changes to specified areas of the gamestate.”
>> 1698/5 "Agora is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable combination 
>> of actions by players to cause arbitrary rule changes to be made and/or 
>> arbitrary proposals to be adopted within a four-week period.”
>> Note the “and/or.” Nothing here prevents arbitrary proposals from being 
>> adopted—it just prevents them from changing the rules upon doing so. 
>> Therefore, Agora isn’t ossified.
>> I retract the above proposal.
>> Gaelan
>>> On Feb 21, 2019, at 12:21 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey <> wrote:
>>> Yes, the "gamestate" includes the rules, and I initially assumed the same 
>>> thing as you. But ais523 pointed out a few days ago that rule 105/19 says
>>>      A rule change is wholly prevented from taking effect unless its
>>>      full text was published, along with an unambiguous and clear
>>>      specification of the method to be used for changing the rule, at
>>>      least 4 days and no more than 60 days before it would otherwise
>>>      take effect.
>>> which overrides the passage in rule 106/40 that says
>>>                    Except as prohibited by other rules, a proposal that
>>>      takes effect CAN and does, as part of its effect, apply the
>>>      changes that it specifies.
>>> -twg
>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>> On Thursday, February 21, 2019 2:47 AM, James Cook <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>>> I'd prefer to just repeat the cleanings. Mass changes to the ruleset
>>>>> are one of the riskiest things you can do in Agora (which is why there
>>>>> are so many protections preventing them being done by accident).
>>>> My proposal says "The gamestate is changed...". I assumed that
>>>> includes the rules, making re-cleaning unnecessary. Is there precedent
>>>> for what "gamestate" means?

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