I hope the Ritual becomes an actual ritual, and is never repealed. It seems 
kind of awesome. 

> On Feb 15, 2019, at 3:11 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@uw.edu> wrote:
> I withdraw the proposal I recently submitted, quoted below.
> I submit the following Proposal, The Ritual, AI-1:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Create a Rule entitled "The Ritual", Power-0.5, with the following
> text:
>       Any player CAN perform The Ritual by announcement, thus appeasing
>       this Rule for a single instant.  This Rule MUST be appeased at least 
> once
>       in every Agoran week.
>       If this rule has been appeased by The Ritual in 5 successive
>       Agoran weeks, then any player CAN banish this rule (cause it to
>       repeal itself) with Notice.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 7:44 AM Kerim Aydin <ke...@uw.edu> wrote:
>> I submit the following Proposal, The Ritual, AI-1:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Create a Rule entitled "The Ritual", Power-0.5, with the following
>> text:
>>       Any player CAN perform The Ritual by announcement.  In order to
>>       appease this Rule, at least one player MUST perform The Ritual in
>>       every Agoran week.
>>       If this rule has been appeased by The Ritual in 5 successive
>>       Agoran weeks, then any player CAN banish this rule (cause it to
>>       repeal itself) with Notice.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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