If my CFJ is judged true, I welcome any proposal that would avoid
messing up all those past dependent actions. I feel bad depriving
anyone of a well-earned victory. Is there a clean way to do that?

I suppose I could draft a proposal that some specific effects happen,
e.g. "I propose that Gaelan wins the game by Apathy", but that seems a
bit silly.

On Thu, 14 Feb 2019 at 13:32, James Cook <jc...@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> I submit a CFJ, specifying:
> "Agora is not Satisfied with an intent to perform an action unless it
> is to be performed With Notice or With T Notice. In particular,
> Gaelan's recent attempt to Declare Apathy on February 7, 2019 was
> ineffective, and D. Margaux's dependent actions in their recent
> message that starts 'I thought for sure people would object...' were
> ineffective."
> See below for my evidence, argument, and a proposal to fix it. If it's
> judged true, I encourage others to consider that other recent
> dependent actions may not have been effective.
> As evidence, I quote Rule 2124:
> #     Agora is Satisfied with an intent to perform a specific action if
> #     and only if:
> #
> #     1. if the action is to be performed Without N Objections, then it
> #        has fewer than N objectors;
> #
> #     2. if the action is to be performed With N support, then it has
> #        N or more supporters; and
> #
> #     3. if the action is to be performed with N Agoran Consent, then
> #        the ratio of supporters to objectors is greater than N, or the
> #        action has at least one supporter and no objectors.
> #
> #     4. if the action is to be performed With Notice or With T Notice.
> Here is my argument: Number 4 in that list doesn't have any word to
> link it to other items in the list (like the "and" between 2 and 3),
> but the only reasonable interpretation is that it's an additional
> condition that needs to be satisfied.
> I submit a proposal as follows.
> Title: Correction to Agoran Satisfaction
> Adoption Index: 2
> Text:
> Amend Rule 2124 by deleting the text "4. if the action is to be
> performed With Notice or With T Notice.".

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