> On Feb 13, 2019, at 7:01 PM, Timon Walshe-Grey <m...@timon.red> wrote:
> In this case, I believed no rule violation occurred. Therefore I COULD, and
> did, announce Shenanigans regardless of whether or not a rule violation
> actually occurred, and doing so discharged my obligations under R2478. (It is
> true that I forgot to announce that the Pointing of Gaelan's Finger at Gaelan
> for violating Rule 105 was also Shenanigans. I do so now.)
> The fact that I first attempted to Impose the Cold Hand of Justice on Gaelan
> is irrelevant. I am not PROHIBITED from performing INEFFECTIVE actions
> (unless doing so constitutes a lie). And if it actually was EFFECTIVE, then
> so much the better - it means eir attempt to make every player impure
> backfired.
Sorry if I’m mistaken but I think this is not right. The Rule says “the
investigator ... in a timely fashion, SHALL conclude the investigation by: ...
if e believes that no rules violation occurred or that it would be ILLEGAL or
INEFFECTIVE to levy a fine for it, announcing the Finger Pointing to be
So, under this language if you believe no rule violation occurred, I think you
MUST declare shenanigans. Right?