Fair points. It just doesn't quite feel right to me. I might change my vote, maybe not.

On 10/28/2018 10:01 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

On Sun, 28 Oct 2018, ATMunn wrote:
8122  Murphy              3.0   Middle of the road
AGAINST, this doesn't have any actual effect at the moment and it just
complicates the math for the Assessor.

It has a couple current effects:

 From R2556:
      The voting strength of a player on an Agoran Decision is reduced
      by 1 for every 3 blots in eir possession.
So the change would mean you'd have to have 9 blots before your voting
strength was reduced to 0.

It also dilutes the Prime Minister's +1 voting bonus.

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