I don’t think this is the right way to go about it. It seems like annoying
boilerplate that would be easy to forget. I’d suggest just requiring that
the announcement not be obfuscated.


On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 1:07 PM D Margaux <dmargaux...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I submit (but I do not yet pend) this proposal:
> Title: Buried Intent Prevention Act
> AI: 3
> Author: D Margaux
> [Comment:  Several months ago, Corona tried to smuggle an intent to
> declare apathy in the text of a lengthy Treasuror report.  Someone
> objected, but I think that would have been EFFECTIVE if it had not
> been noticed.  This proposal is meant to prevent that scam.]
> Amend Rule 1728 ("Dependent Actions") to add the following paragraph
> after the paragraph numbered 6:
>      7.  If the intent was announced in a message that contains a
> report required by these Rules, the first line of the message states:
> "This message contains at least one announcement of intent to perform
> a dependent action."

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