New ideas for land: Name: More Advanced Land Features AI: TBD Author: Trigon Co-authors:
[ PART I: CLEAN-UP ] [ PART I, SECTION I: GLATF ] [ There are no technical problems with the rules introduced by Gray Land and the Fountain, but these could be added to already existing rules to reduce clutter. Currently, there are six rules that contain only one or two paragraphs. I think this is inefficient, so I'm repealing all these rules and sticking them onto more relevant ones. ] Repeal Rule 2568 "Facility Colors". Amend Rule 2567 "Facility Categories" by replacing its text with: Each facility can be either a Production, Processing, Monument, or Miscellaneous Facility. This is to be set by the rule that defines that facility type. A facility has a number of Allowed Land Types not equal to 0. This is to be set by the rule that defines the facility type. If it is not set by that rule, the facility type's Allowed Land Types are Black and White. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, a facility cannot have a Parent Land Unit whose Land Type is not an element of its Allowed Land Types. If an action or set of actions would cause a facility to be created with a Parent Land Unit whose Land Type is not an element of its Allowed Land Types, that action or set of actions FAILS. If a facility's Parent Land Unit's Land Type is flipped to a Land Type that is not in that facility's Allowed Land Types, that facility is destroyed. An "x facility", where x is a valid Land Type, refers to a facility that has x in its Allowed Land Types. Repeal Rule 2569 "Gray Land". Amend Rule 2565 "Land Types" by appending: Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, Gray Land Units are always preserved. Repeal Rule 2571 "The Fountain" and Rule 2572 "Wishing Fountain". Amend Rule 2570 "Monument Facilities" by appending: The following facilities are considered Monument Facilities: 1. The Fountain - Allowed Land Types: Gray - Special Effects: If a player's location is the same as the fountain, e CAN transfer a coin to the fountain to Throw A Coin into the fountain. This does nothing, unless specified in another Rule. A player MAY announce what e wishes for when e Throws A Coin. [ PART I, SECTION II: CURRENCY FIXES ] [ This should've been done a long time ago. Also this supports some other things I'm about to propose. ] Amend Rule 2483 "Economics" by replacing its text with: The following currencies, collectively called Economic Assets, are defined and tracked by the Treasuror. They can be owned by Agora, players, contracts, and facilities. 1. stones (u) 2. apples (u) 3. carrots (u) 4. incense (u) 5. coal (u) 6. ore (a) 7. lumber (a) 8. cotton (a) 9. coins (r) 10. papers (r) 11. fabric (r) Those marked with a (u) are Unrefinable Economic Assets. Those marked with a (a) are Refinable Economic Assets. Those marked with a (r) are Refined Economic Assets. Coins are the official currency of Agora. [ PART II: REVAMPING MOVEMENT ] [ This section brings back a system formerly called Action Units. I didn't include this mechanic in the original PAoaM proposal since it looked very similar to Action Points, a very unpopular system at the time. But I think it allows for better movement options, so I'm reinstituting it. This also touches on some of Corona's ideas for prioritizing small groups of land units. ] Amend rule 2003 "Actions in Arcadia" by replacing its text with: Energy Points (abbreviated EP) is an untracked natural player switch. Players can destroy one apple to increase eir Energy Points by one. Players can destroy one carrt to increase eir Energy Points by three. At the beginning of the week, each player's Energy Points switch is flipped to 0. Any player can decrease eir Energy Points by: 1. 1 to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their Land Types differ and the destination is not Aether; 2. 2 to move from one Land Unit to an adjacent Unit if their Land Types are the same and the destination is not Aether; 3. 2 to set the Land Type of a Land Unit which e owns to an alternating Land Type. 4. 2 to set the Land Type of a Land Unit which e owns and is located on to eir choice of either Black or White. 5. 3 to set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is adjacent to the Entity's current location, is of type Aether, and is owned by Agora, to an alternating Land Type. 6. 5 to set the Land Type of a Land Unit that is of type Aether and is owned by Agora, to an alternating Land Type. [ PART III: SPECIALIZED FACILITIES ] [ This mechanic will give more depth to the Facilities system at the expense of adding more stuff for the Treasuror to track. Maybe the Treasuror needs to be split into two or more positions? Dunno. I'll worry about that later. ] Create a new power 2.1 rule entitled "Specializing Facilities" with the text: Specialization is a Facility Switch with the values of Normal (the default), and any values specified by the rule that created the facility type. A player CAN, by announcement, change the Specialization switch of a facility e owns and is located on the Parent Land Unit of by destroying assets equal to any associated Specialization fees. Whenever a facility has its Specialization switch set using this method, it neither produces nor refines any assets the next week, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. Amend Rule 2563 "Production Facilities" by replacing the list with: 1. Mines - Build Cost: 5 lumber - Upkeep Cost: 2n-2 lumber - Production Details: 3n stones - Specialization Options: - Coal (fee of 3 stones): also produces 2n coal - Ore (fee of 3 stones): also produces 2n ore - Upgrade Costs: - Rank 2: 3 coins, 2 lumber - Rank 3: 4 coins, 4 lumber - Rank 4: 5 coins, 4 lumber, 3 stones - Rank 5: 6 coins, 6 lumber, 6 stones, 2 fabric 2. Orchards - Build Cost: 5 stones - Upkeep Cost: 2n-2 stones - Production Details: 3n apples and 3n lumber - Specialization Options: none - Upgrade Costs: - Rank 2: 3 coins, 2 stones - Rank 3: 4 coins, 4 stones - Rank 4: 5 coins, 4 stones, 3 lumber - Rank 5: 6 coins, 6 stones, 6 lumber, 2 fabric 3. Farms - Build Cost: 2 lumber and 2 stones - Upkeep Cost: n-1 lumber and n-1 stones - Production Details: none - Specialization Options: - Cotton (no fee): produces 3n cotton - Carrot (no fee): produces 3n carrots - Upgrade Costs: - Rank 2: 3 coins, 1 lumber, 1 stones - Rank 3: 4 coins, 2 lumber, 2 stones - Rank 4: 5 coins, 3 lumber, 3 stones, 1 fabric - Rank 5: 6 coins, 4 lumber, 4 stones, 2 fabric 4. Temples - Build Cost: 2 lumber and 3 fabric - Upkeep Cost: n-1 fabric - Production Details: 3n incense - Specialization Options: none - Upgrade Costs: - Rank 2: 4 coins, 1 lumber, 1 fabric - Rank 3: 6 coins, 2 lumber, 3 fabric - Rank 4: 8 coins, 4 lumber, 2 stones, 5 fabric - Rank 5: 10 coins, 6 lumber, 4 stones, 7 fabric Amend Rule 2563 "Processing Facilities" by replacing the list with: 1. Refineries - Build Cost: 4 lumber and 8 stones - Upkeep Cost: n^2+2 coins - Processing Details: 1 ore and 1 coal to 5 coins - Upgrade Costs: no upgrades 2. Mills - Build Cost: 6 lumber and 6 stones - Upkeep Cost: n^2+2 coins - Processing Details: 1 lumber and 1 coal to 2 paper - Upgrade Costs: no upgrades 3. Looms - Build Cost: 8 lumber and 4 stones - Upkeep Cost: n^2+2 coins - Processing Details: 1 cotton and 1 coal to 2 fabric - Upgrade Costs: no upgrades Amend Rule 2561 "Asset Generation with Facilities" by adding a new paragraph with the text: If non-preserved Land Unit A, which has a facility on it, is connected to non-preserved Land Unit B, which has a facility of the same category as the facility on Land Unit A at the instant at which it is to produce or refine assets, that facility neither produces nor refines any assets, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. [ This would be a good time to mention that this fits really well with Corona's No-Go proposal, so it might make sense to have that one pass before this one. ] -- Trigon