Here's another draft. I've tweaked it to weaken the requirement by adding "directly", so presumably the tricks people have been pulling with hash-triggered pledges and the like will still work. I also upped the power, to show that I'm increasing the power of a rule past 3.0. I remain open to recommendations on how to improve this, but only if they don't have the problems that past suggestions have had. I'd also like to ask whether people prefer that I limit this to just the sender. I think that a broader restriction is required to stop similar problems, but could be convinced to separate that out.
-Aris Title: Anonymity Patch v2 Adoption index: 3.1 Author: Aris Co-authors: G. Amend Rule 478, "Fora", by appending "In order for an action to be taken by sending a message, the message must include all information (such as the sender's identity) which is not generally available to players and is directly required to understand the game effect of the message." to the last paragraph of the rule. Change the power of Rule 478, "Fora", to 3.1. [I'm astonished that no one has thought to do this before now, given that this rule contains conditions for ALL actions taken by sending messages to work.]