On Mon, 18 Jun 2018, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 2018-06-18 at 09:40 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> > Honestly the main reason I didn't run again is that checking for past
> > reports is a pain even with timely ADoP reports at hand (and I didn't
> > want to be haphazard either).
> This is the main reason I quit Referee too (although checking for late
> reports was actually a requirement at that point).
> Checking for late reports sounds like something that could
> realistically be automated. Perhaps that would help to fix the issue?
> ADoP seems like possibly the most automatable of all the offices.

Yeah, back when the requirement was to Card or certify that absolutely
no crimes had happened recently, I thought to myself I'd never take on 
that job.

Also, one thing I realized in doing the task is that a lot of the SHALLs
for non-report things (mainly starting processes) were put in when we had
no quantified punishment, but the SHALLS were put in, not because anyone
cared about things being a little late, but to trigger deputization
ability when the game stalled out on a missing officer. Definitely a
different mindset.

I'd say, of all the things I'm willing to mandate for automation, using
the [Officer] Tag in the subject line and other format stuff is what I'd
be most comfortable with (of course, this is a bad week to say that all
reports have to go to OFF!)

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