Thanks for the suggestions! Here's what I came up with. I decided on the colon (:) character for non-aether land units because it looks a bit like the period (.) but clearly has more substance to it. Although, I'm not sure if I really like this because it might be too easy to confuse the two, especially when you have a 13x13 grid. Feedback please?

       LONGITUDE               LONGITUDE               LONGITUDE

   - 6543210123456 +       - 6543210123456 +       - 6543210123456 +
  -                 -     -                 -     -                 -
  6  .............  6     6  .............  6     6  .............  6
  5  .............  5     5  .............  5     5  .............  5
  4  .............  4     4  .............  4     4  .............  4
  3  .............  3  L  3  .............  3  L  3  .............  3
  2  .............  2  A  2  .............  2  A  2  .............  2
  1  ....wwwbb....  1  T  1  ....a###K....  1  T  1  ....:1:2:....  1
  0  ....wwgbb....  0  I  0  ....T###C....  0  I  0  ....::::5....  0
  1  ...wwwbbbw...  1  T  1  ...:C###AM...  1  T  1  ...:73:4:8...  1
  2  ....wbbbb....  2  U  2  ....::GC:....  2  U  2  ....::96:....  2
  3  3  D  3  .....::......  3  D  3  .....::......  3
  4  ......b......  4  E  4  ......:......  4  E  4  ......:......  4
  5  ......b......  5     5  ......:......  5     5  ......:......  5
  6  6     6  ......::.....  6     6  ......::.....  6
  +                 +     +                 +     +                 +
   - 6543210123456 +       - 6543210123456 +        - 6543210123456 +

      LAND  TYPE               OWNERSHIP               FACILITIES
   -----------------       -----------------        -----------------
   aether        (.)       Agora                    Aether        (.)
   white         (w)         Aether      (.)        Non-Aether    (:)
   black         (b)         Non-Aether  (:)
   gray          (g)         Preserved   (#)        See next section
                           Gaelan        (a)        for key
                           Kenyon        (K)
Trigon (T)
                           Corona        (C)
                           Aris          (A)
                           ATMunn        (M)
                           G.            (G)

On 05/04/2018 07:03 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

I really like the side by side layout!  Looks really nice overall.  A
couple suggestions:

1.  Since "preservation" land is always owned by agora, you can combine
the ownership and preservation maps, something like:

               - 6543210123456 +
              -                 -
              6  .............  6
              5  .............  5
              4  .............  4
           L  3  .............  3  L
           A  2  .............  2  A
           T  1  ....a###K....  1  T
           I  0  ....T###C....  0  I
           T  1  ....C###AM...  1  T
           U  2  ......GC.....  2  U
           D  3  .............  3  D
           E  4  .............  4  E
              5  .............  5
              6  .............  6
              +                 +
               - 6543210123456 +

2. It might be nice to see the outline of aether/nonether on more of
the maps, to help line up the different maps, e.g. maybe like:

               - 6543210123456 +
              -                 -
              6  .............  6
              5  .............  5
              4  .............  4
           L  3  .............  3  L
           A  2  .............  2  A
           T  1  ....-1-2-....  1  T
           I  0  ....-----5...  0  I
           T  1  ....73-4-3...  1  T
           U  2  .....-96--...  2  U
           D  3  ......-......  3  D
           E  4  ......-......  4  E
              5  ......-......  5
              6  ......--.....  6
              +                 +
               - 6543210123456 +


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