On Wed, 25 Apr 2018, Kerim Aydin wrote:

I tried a version with general assets, if this is ugly can restrict to

       If the Rules associate payment of a non-empty set of assets (hereafter
       the fee for the action; syns: cost, price, charge) with performing an
       action, that action is a fee-based action.
       If the fee is a non-integer quantity of a fungible asset, the actual
       fee is the next highest integer amount of that asset.

"next higher", i said!

       To perform a fee-based action, an entity (the Actor) who is
       otherwise permitted to perform the action must announce that e
       is performing the action; the announcement must specify the
       correct set of assets for the fee and indicate intent
       to pay that fee for the sole purpose of performing the action.

I think it should be "_a_ correct set of assets", because there may be more than option if assets are distinguishible somehow.

       Upon such an announcement:

       - If the Rules specify a recipient for the fee, and the Actor
         CAN transfer that specified fee from emself to the recipient,
         then that fee is transferred from the Actor to the recipient
         and the action is performed simultaneously;

       - If the Rules do not specify a recipient, and the Actor CAN
         destroy the specified fee in eir possession, then that fee
         in eir possession is destroyed and the action is
         performed simultaneously.

Now I'm vaguely wondering, what if a fee includes *some* assets that cannot be transferred, and some that can...


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