On Wed, 28 Feb 2018, Kenyon Prater wrote: > 8023* G., Aris 2.0 Zombie Lots G. 3 sh. > PRESENT. I'm concerned by the fact that nothing seems to require the > Registrar to flip the master switch of a zombie? If somebody explains why > or else proposes to amend this, I'll vote FOR. The requirement is in Rule 2551 already: The winner of a lot SHALL pay the Auctioneer the number of the Auction's currency equal to eir bid, in a single payment, in a timely fashion. When e does so, the Auctioneer SHALL transfer the items in that lot to that winner in a timely fashion. If the Auctioneer is not a person, then a person authorized to cause the Auctioneer to transfer those items SHALL do so in a timely fashion after the winner pays the Auctioneer, instead. Since zombies aren't actually assets (thus, strictly speaking, can't be "transferred") the amendment in Proposal 8023 redefines "transfer of zombie" to mean "flipping the zombie's master switch" and says it CAN be done by the Registrar after a payment, thus authorizing the Registrar to make the "transfer". This makes the "SHALL transfer" in R2551 work and make sense. (that's the theory anyway - if it still doesn't parse let me know!)