On Tue, 2018-02-27 at 11:15 +0100, Cuddle Beam wrote:
> I don't think it can happen. It's like if you use a single broomstick
> to
> flip all of the breakers off, but a few of the breakers can't move.
> You
> can't do it. It's "ALL" of the switches as a single process, not each
> individually.

On the flip side of that, wasn't it judged in some point of the far
history of Agora that "repeal all rules" would, at one prior point of
the ruleset, repeal all the rules that could be repealed at the
proposal's power?

That's probably what lead to the current restriction that attempts to
repeal more than one rule at a time must explicitly state the sequence
in which the repeals happen.


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