Sorry for all of the CFJs lol, but I'm glad that it's all put into a bundle
- they're all very similar.

That sweet, alluring nectar of a Paradox win is teasing me so closely lol,
I know I'm so near.

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 6:19 PM, Edward Murphy <> wrote:

> Cuddle Beam wrote:
> I create a contract (Cuddlebeam's Cool Contract) by paying 1 shiny to
>> Agora, with the following text:
>> -------
>> ~~~~Cuddlebeam's Cool Contract.~~~~
>> "This sentence is false."
>> The way this contract is destroyed is by announcement, with such
>> announcement message being in the form of "I hereby destroy Cuddlebeam's
>> Cool Contract. Bipity Bopity X!", where X is the state of the truth-value
>> of the statement above in the form of a string (for example "true" or
>> "false").
>> -------
>> I hereby destroy Cuddlebeam's Cool Contract. Bipity Bopity true!
>> I free-CFJ the following: That destruction I just did was legal.
> This is CFJ 3626. I assign it to Corona.
> > I CFJ with a payment of shinies the following: That destruction I just
> > did was possible.
> This is CFJ 3627. I assign it to Corona.
> I create a contract (Cuddlebeam's Cool Contract 2) by paying 1 shiny to
>> Agora, with the following text:
>> -------
>> ~~~~Cuddlebeam's Cool Contract 2.~~~~
>> "This sentence is false."
>> The way this contract is destroyed is by making a post in Cuddlebeam's
>> Twitter (@Cuddlebeam), with such a post being in the form of "I hereby
>> destroy Cuddlebeam's Cool Contract. Bipity Bopity X!", where X is the
>> state
>> of the truth-value of the statement above in the form of a string (for
>> example "true" or "false").
>> I CFJ with shinies the following: That destruction (the twitter one linked
>> above) was legal.
> Anyways, I deleted the post, but here is an archive of it:
> This is CFJ 3628. I assign it to Corona.

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