A draft report is below, but first some news items:

1. If anyone wants to add one of the proposals resolved as no quorum
back and pend it, now would be a good time. I didn't see any point in
adding them back, but if someone wants to preserve the metadata I can
do that (Rule 2350).

2 I'd like to solicit ideas about which proposal should be 8000. I
think it ought to be something befitting the honor, but none of the
current batch are obvious candidates (with no offense intended to any
of their authors). If someone wants to write a ceremonial resolution
or something like that, I'd be happy to pay the pend fee and a small
reward. Otherwise, I'd appreciate suggestions on which existing
proposal to assign that number.

Thank you,

I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 4.0, the voting method is AI-majority and the valid options
are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional

ID     Author(s)    AI   Title                       Pender      Pend fee
7998*  Murphy, [1]  2.4  Eastman weeks               Murphy      1 AP
7999*  Alexis       2.0  Party's Over, Back to Work  Alexis      1 AP
8000*  Alexis       3.0  Older Cleanliness           Alexis      1 AP
8001*  Aris         1.0  No More Eras                Aris        1 AP
8002*  Aris         3.0  Power Creep Reduction Act   Aris        1 AP

The proposal pool is currently empty.

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.

[1] ATMunn

A proposal may be pended for 1 AP, or for 1/20th the Floating Value
in shines (see the Treasuror's report).

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 7998
Title: Eastman weeks
Adoption index: 2.4
Author: Murphy
Co-authors: ATMunn

Amend Rule 1023 (Agoran Time) by replacing this text:

  2. Agoran weeks begin at midnight UTC on Monday.

with this text:

 2. Agoran weeks begin at midnight UTC on Monday. Eastman
    weeks begin at midnight UTC on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd,
    and 29th of each Gregorian month; the fifth one of the
    month (if any) lasts till the end of the month.

and by inserting, before this text:

  These definitions do not apply to relative durations (e.g.
  "within <number> days after <event>").

this text:

  The "Agoran" qualifier is assumed unless a different
  definition is indicated (e.g. Eastman weeks).

Amend Rule 2529 (Medals of Honor) by replacing this text:

  In the first 7 days of an Agoran month,

with this text:

  In the first Eastman week of an Agoran month,

and by replacing this text:

  In the first 7 days of an Agoran month after the first 7 days,

with this text:

  In the second Eastman week of an Agoran month,

and by replacing this text:

  E SHALL do so within the 7 days of an Agoran month after the first
  7 days.

with this text:

  E SHALL do so within the second Eastman week of that Agoran month.

Amend Rule 2502 (Agoraculture) by replacing each instance of "first week
of an Agoran month" with "first Eastman week of an Agoran month".

Amend Rule 2526 (Sustenance Payments) by replacing "first week of every
month" with "first Eastman week of every month".

Amend Rule 2139 (The Registrar) by replacing "first week of every month"
with "first Eastman week of every month".

Amend Rule 2487 (Shiny Supply Level) by replacing "first Agoran week of
that month" with "first Eastman week of that month".

ID: 7999
Title: Party's Over, Back to Work
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Alexis

Repeal, in numerical order, Rules 2533 through 2543.

Amend Rule 2497 (Floating Value) by deleting the sentence including the
word "Favour Value".

ID: 8000
Title: Older Cleanliness
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Alexis

Repeal Rule 2430 (Cleanup Time).

Re-enact Rule 2221 (Cleanliness).

[For reference:
Rule 2221/5 (Power=3)

  Any player CAN clean a rule without objection by specifying one
  or more corrections to spelling, grammar, capitalization, and/or
  dialect, or to whether a synonym or abbreviation is used in
  place of a word or phrase, in the rule's text and/or title; the
  rule is amended by this rule as specified by that person.

Created by Proposal 5975 (Murphy), 25 November 2008
Amended(1) by Proposal 6098 (comex), 22 February 2009
Amended(2) by Proposal 6291 (Murphy), 19 May 2009
Amended(3) by Proposal 6722 (Murphy), 21 May 2010
Amended(4) by Proposal 6732 (comex), 6 June 2010
Amended(5) by Proposal 6741 (comex; disi.), 1 July 2010]

ID: 8001
Title: No More Eras
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

Repeal Rule 2448 ("Eras").

ID: 8002
Title: Power Creep Reduction Act
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

Amend Rule 217, "Interpreting the Rules", by changing the text

  "Definitions in lower-powered Rules do not overrule common-sense
  interpretations or common definitions of terms in higher-powered rules."

to read

  "Definitions in lower-powered Rules do not overrule common-sense
  interpretations or common definitions of terms in higher-powered rules, but
  may constructively make reasonable clarifications to those definitions. For
  this purpose, a clarification is reasonable if and only if it adds detail
  without changing the underlying general meaning of the term and without
  causing the higher powered rule to be read in a way inconsistent with
  its text."


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