On Sat, 23 Dec 2017, Aris Merchant wrote:
> GNDT = Generic Nomic Data Tracker, how BlogNomic tracks its gamestate with
> no officers. Basically a web interface.
> https://wiki.blognomic.com/index.php?title=New_Player_Guide#What_is_the_GNDT.3F
> MOO = MUD, Object-oriented. A MUD based on a object oriented
> database/programming language.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOO
> MUD = Multi User Dungeon, an online multiplayer text based game, and the
> precursor to modern MMORPGs.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MUD

So if someone is really keen on switching to one of these systems, the
way to do it is to actually implement it for something small but useful
(e.g. the Agoran Credit Union or other subgame).  Prove it works, and
people might be convinced.  We spend far far too much time in the
planning stages (of anything), and the proof is in the implementation 
and debugging.  Too many ideas die on the vine - so ideas of "switching 
all of Agora" in an abstract sense might spark a little discussion but
generally don't lead very far.

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