A++++ joke though.

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:12 AM, VJ Rada <vijar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The proposal needs to be a joke of less than 100 words, this is 213.
> You have 42 minutes to make a new proposal or break the rules. I
> believe in youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Even though you can't send
> mesageeeeeeeeeeeees.
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:09 AM, Madeline <j...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> We should make it easier to unintentionally create pledges
>> On 2017-10-30 06:21, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>>> On Sun, 29 Oct 2017, VJ Rada wrote:
>>>> I'll give you a million dollars if you can get this done with your
>>>> silly proposal this week
>>> Challenge accepted.
>>> I submit the following (Silly) proposal, "Boooo!", AI-2.  For
>>> technical reasons, this is not the Fearmongor's duty-fulfilling
>>> re-enactment for the month (though I'd sure like it to be!):
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Create the following Power-2 Rule "Zombies":
>>>         Master is a secured player switch with possible values of any
>>>         player, and Agora.  Every player's default master is emself;
>>>         rules to the contrary notwithstanding, a player CAN always flip
>>>         eir own master to emself by announcement.
>>>         A player whose master is not emself is a Zombie. A zombie's
>>>         master, if another player, is allowed to act on behalf of the
>>>         zombie (i.e. as the zombie's agent) to perform LEGAL actions.
>>>         If a player has not made a public announcement in the past
>>>         60 days, then any player CAN flip that player's master to
>>>         Agora by announcement.
>>>         Each zombie whose master is another player has an untracked
>>>         switch indicating whether the zombie Owes a Scare to Agora,
>>>         with values FALSE (default) and TRUE. All such switches are
>>>         flipped to TRUE at the beginning of each month.  A zombie's
>>>         master CAN flip that zombie's switch to FALSE by causing the
>>>         zombie to perform a scary public action for the announced
>>>         purpose of satisfying this scare debt.  If that switch for a
>>>         given zombie is TRUE at the end of a month, then within the
>>>         next seven days any player can flip that zombie's master to
>>>         Agora by announcement.
>>>         This switch is of course the zombie's Boo Lien switch.
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> From V.J. Rada

>From V.J. Rada

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