On 10/25/17 17:47, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Oct 2017, ATMunn wrote:
>> I might not vote for this, as I'm working on a draft for a much more
>> in-depth Auctions proposal. Hopefully I'll post that draft soon,
>> however I haven't had much time to work on it recently.
> Just as a warning, I need to know how auctions work for a proposal I'm
> writing, so was planning to post my own draft of one tomorrow.

What are you working on? I was considering starting a big overhaul like
I outlined earlier, but I don't want to duplicate your work.

> If your rule contains the "auction N items" (not just a single option)
> I can probably hold off and assume yours will work for what I need.
> What I need to assume:
>      There will be an auction process for auctioning N items, for
>      which N winners will be determined and the price (for each item)
>      will be the Nth highest bid.

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