And this is why o held 5 offices, and why its still a good idea to
keep em in several of them. Not only did e personally write a good
portion of the economy, but you will note that e displays clear
symptoms of civic-mindedness.


On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 7:50 PM, Owen Jacobson <> wrote:
>> On Oct 24, 2017, at 1:44 PM, ATMunn <> wrote:
>> It's alright. We forgive you.
>> By the way, is there a reason why you're initiating an election for Notary? 
>> The Contracts proposal specifically makes you the Notary.
> There is.
> Direct nomination is a good way of ensuring that an office is actually 
> filled, but given the time lag between the proposal being written and pended 
> and the time it’s actually adopted and enacted, it’s possible someone other 
> than the nominee may want the office or be a better candidate, and that the 
> nominee no longer wants it. As it happens, I do still want the job - but I 
> still think it’s important to sanity-check my appointment.
> -o

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