On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Oct 2017, Aris Merchant wrote:
>> Actually, given that this makes things more interesting... I SH-CFJ (or 
>> if the action would otherwise fail due to lack of shinies) "If there were
>> currently a power 3.9 rule purpoting to allow any person to destroy the 
>> universe
>> by announcement, without defining the effect of this action, and I announced 
>> that
>> I destroyed the universe in that way (all other aspects of the gamestate 
>> being
>> as they are now), my announcement would, as far as the game is concerned, 
>> have
>> the effect it purported to have."
> This is CFJ 3580.  I assign it to G.
> [note to Aris:  despite yesterday's discussion, while I believe a judge would
> not be *wrong* in finding this case irrelevant, I am in fact quite interested
> in the philosophical underpinnings, so I "favored" it and and I plan to give
> it a full consideration as per your request.  I don't actually know where I'll
> end up with it at the moment].

Thank you. I want to provide arguments, but it may take a few days.
There is one point that I feel very very strongly about (either the
rules are omnipotent or, alternately, the issue is out of scope), and
I have a few suggestions about how to deal with everything else.


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