On Sat, 14 Oct 2017, Alexis Hunt wrote: > Set the power of all entities other than Rules, Regulations, and this > Proposal to 0. > > [This is a general cleanup that catches repealed rules and other entities. I > believe > that this actuall depowers old proposals, but that's probably a good thing to > be quite > honest.]
This is one of those hidden things that we'll never remember if past proposal power comes up a year from now or something... so +1 for Invisibilitating. Maybe you should change the R106 proposal process too to set Proposal power to 0, so that we don't have a weird case of every proposal after this one retaining power and having to remember the breakpoint if it ever comes up? > [Re-enactment currently doesn't have a specified power; this causes it to > work roughly > the way you would expect it to.] FWIW, this was settled the same way by CFJ 3484 (it took such a lengthy opinion it's certainly a good idea to codify it).