> On Oct 11, 2017, at 11:19 PM, Ørjan Johansen <oer...@nvg.ntnu.no> wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Oct 2017, Owen Jacobson wrote:
>> On Oct 11, 2017, at 12:17 AM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
>>> As Secretary, I flip the Floating Value to 20.
>> On Oct 11, 2017, at 12:29 AM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
>>> As Secretary, I flip the Floating Value to 22.
>> On Oct 11, 2017, at 12:54 AM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
>>> As Secretary, I flip the Floating Value to 9.
>> Something snagged my memory, so I went back and looked at the rules. We did, 
>> in fact, make this mechanism less brittle. From rule 2456 (“The Secretary”):
>>> The Secretary CAN flip the floating value once a week by announcement. As 
>>> part of eir weekly duties, e SHALL flip the Floating Value to the number of 
>>> Shinies owned by Agora; e SHALL NOT ever set it to a different value. E 
>>> SHOULD do this while publishing eir weekly report. If the Secretary 
>>> discovers that e last flipped the floating value to an incorrect value and 
>>> e would not otherwise be able to set it again yet, e CAN and SHALL set the 
>>> value to what it should have been set to in the first place by announcement.
> I note that this is still brittle - the _initial_ flip works, but when using 
> the correction option, the CAN only applies when setting the value to what it 
> _should_ have been in the initial flip.  And it cannot consider intermediate 
> events.  I am not sure which of the three values above is currently the 
> actual one.

There’s an error in the Secretary’s report - I noticed the same problem this 
morning. When I flipped it to 20, it was incorrect but platonically possible 
the way I did it, so it succeeded. The 22 was never correct, and it was no 
longer possible for me to flip it to an incorrect value. As a result, the 
amount I tracked for V.J Rada’s stamp purchase was incorrect, so 9 was also 
never correct, and did not happen.

I’ll go through and un-pick buggy transactions. I don’t think the damage is too 
bad. Everyone gets the appropriate stamps; if anyone spent more than they meant 
to, I’ll figure something out.


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