It's *fairly* safe to say I think that in terms of # of messages, it's never
been higher in my memory (back to 2002).

[Though the MB is misleading, this year has marked a pronounced and sudden
shift towards people who top-post and don't trim the quoted parts (e.g.
one-line replies to whole rulesets).  I blame mail clients that hide the
quoted parts by default (though I don't know if that's the reason, and
"blame" is the wrong word because it's mostly minor style preference).
There - a wholly Agoran quibble to a congratulations message - but the
activity, however measured, and sentiment very appreciated].

On Tue, 3 Oct 2017, Aris Merchant wrote:
> Agora-Discussion traffic last month was 6 MB, significantly more than
> our previous record of 2 MB from May. In addition to this,
> Agora-Business traffic was a record setting 2 MB. Although these
> records only go back to July 2013 (when archive gzip'ing ended), they
> are an impressive sign that Agora is alive and well. Keep up the good
> work!
> -Aris
> * All data from:
> and

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