There's an agency of Quazie's that allows people to get trust tokens
from em if they give them to em. It would be trivial to get 50 from em
and win the game on the spot.

On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 1:14 AM, grok (caleb vines) <> wrote:
> {
> Excessive Trust
> AI = 1
> Authors: grok
> Amend Rule 2452 "Trust Tokens" to include the following text immediately
> after the final paragraph:
> "A person can win the game by announcement if e has been issued fifty Trust
> Tokens by another individual player; if no person has won via this mechanism
> in the past; and if, in the same message, e quotes, for each trust token, a
> public message in which that player issued em a Trust Token."
> }
> the only reason this is proto is because I find it likely that someone
> already has fifty trust tokens.

>From V.J. Rada

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