I’m generally against mechanisms that are in theory based on violations of the 
rules but have no actual connection to the “actual” gamestate; In my opinion it 
should be IMPOSSIBLE to card someone who has not violated a SHALL. If we did 
that, CFJ judgement would simply happen via CFJ (and there’s no delay; if 
nobody complains, we can just assume the card happened and is valid).

(By the way: my feelings about the Pledge rework are similar.)

> On Sep 24, 2017, at 3:38 PM, Nicholas Evans <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think i feel as strongly as CB but I do feel similarly. Both issues 
> would be fixed with a) decentralizing (my prefered format is similar to a 
> CFJ: separate the finger pointer, referee, and judge) cards and b) allowing 
> forgiveness without apology (perhaps as Agoran Consent). To make up for the 
> delay a would cause, we could make cards revoke wins that happened after the 
> cardable event but before the conclusion.
> On Sep 24, 2017 5:26 PM, "Cuddle Beam" <cuddleb...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:cuddleb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Would make tactical card-flinging (tactically exaggerating other people's 
> wrong-doings for example) a thing and I feel very queasy about giving our 
> subjective things that kind of power.
> >Until e publishes such an apology, as a penalty, the bad sport is 
> >disqualified from winning,
> I'm also very against near-compulsory apologizing, this is like holy shit wtf 
> tier stuff for me.
> On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 12:09 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu 
> <mailto:ke...@u.washington.edu>> wrote:
> Proto:  "losing conditions"
> [Right now, it's probably worth it to break the rules to win, because wins
> are far more tangible and lasting than cards.  Let's change the equation...]
> Amend Rule 2449 (Winning the Game) by replacing:
>       When the Rules state that a person or persons win the game,
>       those persons win the game;
> with:
>       When the Rules state that a person or persons win the game,
>       and those persons are not Disqualified from winning as
>       described by the Rules, those persons win the game;
> Amend the Rule titled "Such is Karma" by appending:
>       Etas are disqualified from winning.
> Amend Rule 2427 (Yellow Cards) by replacing:
>       Until e publishes such an apology, as a penalty, the bad sport's
>       voting strength
> with:
>       Until e publishes such an apology, as a penalty, the bad sport
>       is disqualified from winning, and the bad sport's voting strength
> Amend Rule 2475 (Red Cards) by replacing:
>       of the Card is reduced by 2.
> with:
>       of the Card is reduced by 2, and e is disqualified from winning
>       for 30 days.
> Amend Rule 2476 (Pink Slips) by appending the following sentence to
> the last paragraph:
>       The bad sport is disqualified from winning for 30 days from the
>       issuance of the card.
> [Was trying to decide what the right length of time was for Red and
> Pink, something between 14-30 I think].
> [Any other losing conditions?]

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