As there were errors in my last report, here's a draft of my next one.
Please try not to make unnecessary changes/additions before I publish
the real report tomorrow.



I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 3.0 and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
also a valid vote).

ID     Author(s)     AI   Title                        Pender      Pend fee
7899*  G.            2.0  Arbitor's Union              G.          1 AP
7900*  o             2.0  Come What May                o           1 AP
7901*  o, [1]        3.0  Make Your Home Shine         o           6 sh.

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID    Author(s)     AI   Title
pp1  nichdel        2.0  Basic Income
pp2  Gaelan         1.0  The Lint Screen

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.

[1] CuddleBeam, Ørjan, V.J Rada, nichdel

In order to reduce confusion, the shiny pend price is being removed from this
report. A proposal may be pended for 1 AP, or for 1/20th the Floating Value
in shines (see the Secretary's report).

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 7899
Title: Arbitor's Union
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 591 (Delivering Judgements) by replacing:
      When a CFJ is open and assigned to a judge, that judge CAN
      assign a valid judgement to it by announcement, and SHALL do so
      in a timely fashion after this becomes possible.  If e does not,
      the Arbitor CAN remove em from being the judge of that case by
      When a CFJ is open and assigned to a judge, that judge CAN
      assign a valid judgement to it by announcement, and SHALL do so
      in a timely fashion after this becomes possible.  If e does not,
      the Arbitor CAN remove em from being the judge of that case by
      announcement, and SHALL do so in a timely fashion after the
      time limit expires, unless the judge assigns a valid judgement
      in the mean time.

[Allows deputisation to remove late judges by adding a SHALL]

Amend Rule 991 (Calls for Judgement) by appending the following

      The Arbitor's weekly report includes a summary of recent
      judicial case activity, including open and recently-judged
      cases, recent judicial assignments, and a list of players
      interested in judging.

[Easiest way to fix the Arbitor's pay, but not just a make-work
report - in the past, regular Arbitor reports have been useful to
keep players informed about the state of judgements and the courts,
which promotes more ongoing clarity in the game state].

ID: 7900
Title: Come What May
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: o

Amend the rule “Agoraculture” by replacing the second and third paragraphs with

> In the first week of an Agoran month, the owner of an unfarmed Estate CAN
flip its Farm switch to “farmed" by paying Agora a number of shinies equal
to the Farm Rate, by announcement.

>  In the first week of an Agoran month, the owner of a Farm CAN till the farm
by paying Agora a number of shinies equal to the Farm Rate, by announcement. If
the Farmer of an Estate does not till it within the first week of an Agoran
month, the Agronomist CAN flip its Farm switch to "unfarmed” by announcement,
and SHALL do so in a timely fashion.

Amend the rule “Comestibles” to read, in full:

>  A Comestible is a type of liquid asset, which can be owned by
>  players. Creating Comestibles is secured. The recordkeepor of
>  Comestibles is the Agronomist.
>  The Farmer of an Estate CAN offer Comestibles by announcement,
>  naming a number of Comestibles offered and a price per Comestible
>  in Shinies. A player CANNOT offer more Comestibles in a month than
>  10 times the number of Farms e owns. The Farmer is ENCOURAGED to
>  name the kind of Comestibles on offer after a plant, vegetable,
>  grain, livestock, or other farm good.
>  A player other than the offering Farmer CAN accept a Comestibles
>  offer by announcement to create that number of Comestibles in eir
>  possession, by paying the offering Farmer the price per Comestible
>  named in the offer times the number of Comestbiles offered. The
>  Value of a Comestible created this way is equal to the price per
>  Comestible offered by the Farmer.
>  An offer expires at the end of the Agoran month in which it is
>  made. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an offer CANNOT be
>  accepted if it has expired.
>  During an Agoran Decision, a player CAN increase their voting
>  strength on that decision by destroying (syn. "eating",
>  "consuming") Comestibles. Eir voting strength is increased by
>  one-tenth the total Value of the Comestibles destroyed this way,
>  rounded down, to a maximum of 5.
>  A Comestible is an Expired Comestible if it was created by
>  accepting an offer announced more than three Agoran months ago. An
>  Expired Comestible CANNOT be consumed to increase voting strength,
>  and CAN be destroyed by any player, by announcement. The Agronomist
>  SHALL destroy all Expired Comestibles at the start of each Agoran
>  month.

ID: 7901
Title: Make Your Home Shine
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: o
Co-authors: CuddleBeam, Ørjan, V.J Rada, nichdel

This proposal CANNOT create a pledge, other than via clauses that begin "Create
a pledge".

Amend rule 2450 ("Pledges") to read, in full:

    Pledges are an indestructible fixed asset. Ownership of pledges
    is restricted to persons. The Referee is the recordkeepor of
    pledges. Creating, destroying, modifying, and transferring
    pledges are secured.

    To "pledge" something is to create a pledge with those terms. A
    person CAN pledge by announcement to create a pledge e owns.

    To "retract" (syn "withdraw") a pledge is to destroy it. A
    person CAN retract a pledge e owns without objection.

    To "call in" a pledge" is to destroy it. A player CAN call in
    any pledge with Agoran Consent, if e announces a reason the
    Terms of the pledge should be considered broken. Support for an
    intent to call in a pledge is INEFFECTIVE unless the supporting
    player explicitly confirms the reasons that the pledge should
    be considered broken.

    It is ILLEGAL to own a pledge when it is called in.

Create a pledge owned by Quazie, whose terms are

    I pledge to give 1 Shiny to the first person who can,
    correctly, with e-mail citations, explain what I did wrong on
    Jan 20th 2009 that has since led to me being a fugitive. For
    the explanation to be valid for this pledge, it should be fully
    self contained, I should not have to go look up past rules in
    order to understand the explanation (So please, include all
    source info in the explanation).

Create a pledge owned by V.J Rada, whose terms are

    However I now pledge to include more recapping of agoran events
    in future newspapers.

Create a pledge owned by V.J Rada, whose terms are

    I pledge not to make any thread titles completely unrelated to
    the email's content, nor use any agency or other mechanism to
    attempt to gain control of any player at the exclusion of all
    other players.

Create a pledge owned by o, whose terms are

    I pledge that, for the next month, if I have not yet paid a
    total of 30 shinies under this pledge, and a player pledges to
    pay me 6 Shinies within a month, I will pay em 5 Shinies in a
    timely fashion.

Ratify the following statement:

    The only pledge owned by o was created on Aug 23, 2017.

Create a pledge owned by Gaelan, whose terms are

    I pledge to, for at least the next month, vote AGAINST any
    proposal that amends rules by providing new text in full unless
    the text of the rule is nearly entirely changed.

Ratify the following statement:

    The only pledge owned by Gaelan was created on Sep 14, 2017.

Create a pledge owned by nichdel, whose terms are

    I pledge to vote AGAINST on all proposals created or pended by
    Cuddle Beam.

Create a pledge owned by nichdel, whose terms are

    I pledge to Object to all intentions by Cuddle Beam that I can
    object to.

Create a pledge owned by nichdel, whose terms are

    I pledge to give a trust token and 5 shinies (as soon as
    possible) to any other player who also performs the above three
    pledges, except Cuddle Beam.

Create a pledge owned by nichdel, whose terms are

    I pledge to not refer to 天火狐 as Josh or Josh T.

Create a pledge owned by Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, whose terms

    I too pledge to not refer to 天火狐 as Josh or Josh T.

ID: pp1
Title: Basic Income
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: nichdel

Repeal R2500 "Action Points"

Amend R2445 "How to Pend a Proposal" to read in full:

   Imminence is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
   proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "pending" or
   "not pending" (default).

   Any player CAN flip a specified proposal's imminence to "pending" by
   announcement by spending the current Pend Cost in shinies.

Amend R991 "Calls for Judgement" by removing point "a)" in the first
list and changing points "b)" and "c)" to "a)" and "b)" respectively.

Amend R2497 "Floating Value" by adding to the end of the list of
Floating Derived Values:

   * Income Floor: 1/10th the Floating Value, rounded up.

Amend R2499 "Welcome Packages" to read in full:

   Within an Agoran Week after a person registers, any player CAN and
   MAY cause Agora to pay the new player the Income Floor in shinies by

Create a new Power 1 rule titled "Basic Income" with the following text:

   Within an Agoran Week after the first Secretary Weekly Report is
   published in an Agoran Month, any player CAN and MAY cause Agora,
   by announcement to pay em the Income Floor minus eir Balance at time
   of the Weekly Report's publication if e has less than the Income
   Floor in shinies and has 0 stamps.

ID: pp2
Title: The Lint Screen
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Gaelan

Create a rule “The Lint Screen” with Power 1: {{
  The Lint Screen is a singleton switch, tracked by the Promotor with possible
  values including all lists of text. The default value is an empty list. The
  items in the list SHOULD contain a list of common errors in proposals. Any
  player CAN flip The Lint Screen by adding, modifying, or removing an item
  with Consent.

Add this as a new paragraph to 2445 “How to Pend a Proposal:” {{
  It is IMPOSSIBLE to pend a proposal unless the pended and at least one other
  player have publicly stated that they have reviewed (“linted”) the proposal
  for the issues listed in the Lint Screen.


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