Thanks for the feedback. I am going to respond line by line below.
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

> On Sep 22, 2017, at 11:33 PM, Owen Jacobson <> wrote:
> I normally try to avoid this, because it’s an invitation to line-by-line 
> wrangling, but I have some fairly specific feedback on wording. Before I get 
> into it, some comments on the overall structure:
> It’s good. In particular, I appreciate the possibility of multiple banks, 
> though I suspect we’ll average 1.8 banks at most: any transient banks, or if 
> we’re particularly lucky, any long-term banks other than the CBA, will likely 
> act as proving grounds for bank policy more than anything else.
>> On Sep 21, 2017, at 12:57 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus 
>> <> wrote:
>> In response to feedback, here is the new banking proposal, if I don't get 
>> negative feedback, I plan to pend it this week:
>> {
>> All "+" and "-" symbols in the body of this proposal should be ignored and 
>> shall have no effect on the ruleset or game state.
>> Replace the following line in "Assets":
>> -  restricted to Agora, persons, and organizations.
>> with:
>> +  restricted to Agora, persons, organizations, and Agoran Institutions.
> The rule defining Agoran Institutions seems to have gotten lost in the 
> refactoring.

I will than specify banks specifically to resolve this problem.

>> Create a power-2 rule titled "Banking" with the following text:
>> +  A Bank is an Agoran Institution. A Bank shall have a charter, a length, 
>> and a
>> +  banker.
> “It is ILLEGAL for a bank not to have a charter, or not to have a length, or 
> not to have a banker”? Who receives the card?

I was trying to figure this out. What about "Any action causing a bank to not 
have a charter, a length, and a banker is INEFFECTIVE."?

>> The Central Bank of Agora is the bank who is responsible for the
>> +  conduct of business and issuance of bonds on behalf of Agora. The length 
>> of a
>> +  bank is the period during which the bank will operate. If at any time,
>> +  a Central Bank of Agora is not declared, then the Secretary CAN and SHALL
>> +  declare a bank to be the Central Bank of Agora.
> This rule appears to define the existence of the CBA, before contemplating 
> what should happen if the CBA does not exist. I suspect you meant to define 
> this in terms of a regulation-like construct governed by the Secretary, 
> though frankly I have no idea how to write such a beast either.

The main reason I added this clause is to allow the prime minister's associated 
executive action to work. Also, given ais523's suggestion to form the FBA by 
proposal, I will have to add some clauses to make things work.

>> +  A Bank is able to issue a currency and issue bonds. The charter of a
>> +  bank shall establish the method by which a bond or currency can be issued.
> Given that “a currency” is already defined, this bolts onto the assets 
> framework quite well.
> To make sure I follow: each bank has the option of issuing its own currency, 
> in arbitrary amounts as defined by the charter of that bank? This is 
> consistent with historical banking practice, but I worry that N currencies 
> might be a bit much. I’d like to find out, so if that was your intent, please 
> continue, but I wanted to make sure I understood.

That is my intent.

>> +  Any person CAN create a Bank without objection by specifying its charter, 
>> its
>> +  length and recommending a banker. The Secretary CAN create a bank with 
>> Agoran
>> +  Consent by specifying its charter, its length and appointing a banker.
> What is the difference between “recommending” and “appointing?”
> What is the difference between the First Bank of PSS and a bank created by 
> the Secretary, generally, that justifies the difference in consent 
> requirements?

The main thing was that I wanted any player to be able to create a Bank, if 
they wanted one and then have the Secretary as a fallback for if their are two 
many objections. As to the recommending vs appointing, I already authorize the 
Secretary to appoint bankers, elsewhere so the idea was that the person 
starting the bank would recommend someone who the Secretary would customarily 

>> The
>> +  charter of a bank SHALL state its purpose, and its governance structure. 
>> If at
>> +  any time, a Bank lacks a Banker, the Secretary CAN and SHALL appoint a 
>> Banker
>> +  in accordanence with the charter of the Bank or SHALL destroy the bank.
> "Or CAN and SHALL…", I think. I appreciate the escape hatch, as - I’m sure - 
> do future Secretaries.
> Does destroying a Bank destroy instances of its currency? Or do they float as 
> loose assets indefinitely?
> Come to think of it, who recordkeeps a bank-created currency? There’s no 
> fallback recordkeepor, and so, nobody who can ratify or who is obliged to 
> report on instances of bank-created currencies. If the intent is to allow for 
> bank-specific currencies, the bank’s Banker may need to be designated as 
> recordkeepor for each currency.

Thanks for bringing this up, I was thinking this would need to be tracked by 
the banker. As to the currency, I believe that they continue to float around 
and they should continue to float around or else fewer people would 
participate, but I am open to other ideas.

>> If any
>> +  bank has existed for longer than allowed by its charter or its length, 
>> then
>> +  the Banker and the Secretary CAN destroy it and the Banker SHALL do so in 
>> a
>> +  timely manner. The Secretary CAN destroy a bank without object or with 
>> Agoran
>> +  Consent.
> “Without objection,” though I suspect that specific construction has 
> problems. If you meant that the Secretary should need at least one supporting 
> message, then “with Agoran Consent” is sufficient; if you meant that the 
> Secretary must not receive any objecting messages, then “Without Objection” 
> is sufficient; if you meant both, then you’ll need to invent something 
> clearer.

What I meant is that the Secretary could do it via either method. How do you 
think I could phrase this more clearly.

>> Create a new power-2 rule titled "Bonds", with the following text:
>> +  Bonds are a type of asset. Bonds CAN be converted according to their 
>> issuance
>> +  document.
> With the term “converted” open-ended like this, and with conversion permitted 
> by a P=2.0 rule, I worry that this might allow bonds to directly create 
> currencies, including Shinies.

I want to leave it open ended. How could I express this idea and have a similar 
effect without that problem?

>> Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, bonds may only be issued by
>> +  a bank. The Banker of the issuing bank is the recordkeeper for Bonds.
> Nice.
>> All
>> +  bonds SHALL have a term specified in their issuance document. Any person,
>> +  organization, or Agoran Institution who owns a bond CAN and MAY, 
>> according to
>> +  the bond's issuing document, convert the bond by destroying the bond and 
>> being
>> +  payed by the issuing bank an amount determined by its issuance document.
> Putting this up at the front of the paragraph would make it much clearer what 
> it means to “convert” a bond.
>> Rename "Economics" as "Shinies".
>> Add to the end of the list of executive orders in "Executive Orders", the 
>> following item:
>> +  - Kickbacks (Secretary): The Prime Minister issues a bond from
>> +    the Central Bank of a class or series previously issued for
>> +    an amount less than or equal to 50 shinies and specifies a
>> +    class of purchasers.
> I don’t know if I called this out last time around, but this is a really 
> interesting way of expanding the PM’s powers without obviously breaking the 
> game. Well done.
>> Create a new power-1 rule titled "The First Bank of Agora" with the 
>> following text:
>> +  The First Bank of Agora is a Bank. The banker of The First Bank of Agora
>> +  is the Secretary. This rule is the charter of The First Bank of
>> +  Agora. The First Bank of Agora has a term of nine months, which is
>> +  automatically renewed for succeeding intervals of nine months, as long as 
>> The
>> +  Second Bank of Agora has not been formed.
> How does this integrate with the Central Bank of Agora? Are they completely 
> independent? (If so, why is the Secretary banker of two banks?) Are they the 
> same other than a naming issue?

My idea was that this would be the first Central Bank, but because of ais523's 
recommendation, I am going to leave it out of the rules.

>> +  The First Bank of Agora has administration over the balance of Agora
>> +  in excess of 50 shinies. The First Bank of Agora is led by the Board
>> +  of Overseers. There are two overseers, who are elected according to the
>> +  later procedure. The Banker of The First Bank of Agora also serves
>> +  on the board ex officio. The Board of Overseers has authorization to
>> +  when Agora has a balance of less than 50 shinies issue bonds, with a total
> “_To_ issue bonds”, I presume.

The to is in between authorization and when. Should I rephrase this?

>> +  value of up to 100 shinies.
> Given that Agora’s balance isn’t the FBA’s balance, this seems like a way to 
> make the FBA’s solvency issues worse over time. Agora’s balance dips, so the 
> FBA issues bonds, which can be converted by forcing the FBA to pay the amount 
> of the bond. Since the FBA has no obvious way to replenish its reserves, this 
> slowly depletes any starting reserve we give the FBA.

My thinking on this was that the two balances were the same, but the FBA could 
only use the balance in excess of 50 shinies. Is that clear? If not, what do 
you think I could do to clarify?

>> The terms of these bonds are determined by
>> +  the Board of Overseers. The Board of Overseers SHALL NOT issue any bond 
>> with a
>> +  with terms precluding their sale on the open market or with any provision
>> +  allowing the conversion of the bond to currency before the passage of two
>> +  weeks after sale. The Board of Overseers is also allowed to offer
>> +  consumer banking services, such as money holdings, check clearance, the
>> +  keeping of a ledger for fractional shiny banking, escrow, and any other
>> +  banking service not costing The First Bank of Agora more than 25 shinies 
>> in
>> +  capital to initiate or operate. The Board of Overseers are, when Agora has
>> +  in excess of 250 shinies, allowed to issue loans with a total value not in
>> +  excess of 100 shinies. The Board of Overseers MAY sell or purchase loans 
>> or
>> +  bonds from other Banks without 2 objections. All holdings, bonds, or loans
>> +  held or issued are backed and insured by the full sovereignty of Agora.
>> +
>> +  An election for the position of overseer of The First Bank of Agora CAN be
>> +  called by any person if a position is empty or if an individual has held 
>> their
>> +  position for 4 months without interruption or elections occuring. If the
>> +  position is not empty, any person CAN call an election without two 
>> objections,
>> +  excluding objections by the Banker or any Overseers of The First Bank of 
>> Agora.
>> +  For elections to the Board of Overseers, the options are all players, all
>> +  announced non-player persons and PRESENT, and the vote collector is the
>> +  Secretary.
>> }
> Making the position an Office would handle all of these conditions.
> Overall, I think I like it. I doubt we’d make extensive use of competing 
> currencies, but this creates a mechanism for monetary policy reform that’s 
> more flexible than proposals while still being constrained by Shinies (and 
> thus proposals and relevelling events).
> -o

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