> On Sep 12, 2017, at 10:27 AM, Nic Evans <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I resolve the decision(s) to adopt proposal(s) 78572-7875 as below.

Oh dear, did CuddleBeam find a way to spam proposal pending? Also, weren’t 
these already resolved? Did that fail?

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
>  following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
>  Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!). If a
>  decision's voting period is still ongoing, I end it immediately
>  before resolving it and after resolving the previous decision.]
> ID     Author(s)     AI   Title                       Pender      Pend fee
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 7872*  o             2.0  Estate Auction Cleanup      o           1 AP
> 7873*  o, babelian   2.0  Agoraculture                o           1 AP
> 7874*  o             2.0  Shorter Apologies           o           3 sh.
> 7875*  nichdel       1.0  Better Accounting           o           1 AP
> |        | 7872 | 7873 | 7874 | 7875 |
> |--------+------+------+------+------+
> |Aris    | F    | P    | F    | F    |
> |nichdel | P    | P    | F    | F    |
> |o       | F    | F    | F    | F    |
> |--------+------+------+------+------+
> |F/A     | 2/0  | 1/0  | 3/0  | 3/0  |
> |AI      | 2.0  | 2.0  | 2.0  | 1.0  |
> |V       | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    |
> |Q       | 3    | 3    | 3    | 3    |
> |P       | T    | T    | T    | T    |
> The full text of the adopted proposal(s) is included below.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7872
> Title: Estate Auction Cleanup
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors:
> In Rule 2491 ("Estate Auctions"), replace the second paragraph with:
>  During an auction, any player may bid a number of Shinies on eir
>  own behalf by announcement, or on behalf of any Organization for
>  which such a bid is Appropriate by announcement, provided the bid
>  is higher than any previously-placed bid in the same auction.
>  If, at the end of the auction, there is a single highest bid, then
>  that player or Organization wins the auction. The player who
>  placed the winning bid CAN cause Agora to transfer the auctioned
>  Estate to the winner by announcement, by paying Agora the amount
>  of the bid, or by causing the winning Organization to pay Agora
>  the amount of the bid. E SHALL do so in a timely fashion.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7873
> Title: Agoraculture
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors: babelian
> Enact a new rule, with power 1.0, titled "Farm Rate", with the following text:
>  The Farm Rate is a natural singleton switch, tracked by the
>  Agronomist.
> Set the Farm Rate to 20.
> Enact a new rule, with power 2.0, titled "Agoraculture", with the following
> text:
>  Each Estate has a Farm switch, tracked by the Agronomist, with
>  values "farmed" and "unfarmed", defaulting to "unfarmed". Changes
>  to Farm switches are secured. An Estate whose Farm switch is
>  "farmed" is a Farm, and its owner is the Farmer of that Estate.
>  In the first week of an Agoran month, the owner of an unfarmed
>  Estate MAY flip its Farm switch to "farmed" by announcement, if e
>  pays Agora a number of shinies equal to the Farm Rate.
>  In the first week of an Agoran month, the owner of a Farm MAY till
>  the farm by announcement, if e pays Agora a number of shinies equal
>  to the Farm Rate. If the Farmer of an Estate does not till it
>  within the first week of an Agoran month, the Agronomist CAN flip
>  its Farm switch to "unfarmed" by announcement, and SHALL do so in a
>  timely fashion.
>  When an Estate is transferred to Agora or to an Organization, its
>  Farm switch is set to "unfarmed" immediately afterwards.
> Enact a new rule, with power 2.0, titled "Comestibles", with the following 
> text:
>  A Comestible is a type of liquid asset, which can be owned by
>  players. Creating Comestibles is secured. The recordkeepor of
>  Comestibles is the Agronomist.
>  The Farmer of an Estate may offer Comestibles by announcement,
>  naming a number of Comestibles offered and a price per Comestible
>  in Shinies. A player CANNOT offer more Comestibles in a month than
>  10 times the number of Farms e owns. The Farmer is ENCOURAGED to
>  name the kind of Comestibles on offer after a plant, vegetable,
>  grain, livestock, or other farm good.
>  A player other than the offering Farmer may accept a Comestibles
>  offer by announcement to create that number of Comestibles in eir
>  possession, if e pays the offering Farmer the price per Comestible
>  named in the offer times the number of Comestbiles offered. The
>  Value of a Comestible created this way is equal to the price per
>  Comestible offered by the Farmer.
>  An offer expires at the end of the Agoran month in which it is
>  made. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an offer CANNOT be
>  accepted if it has expired.
>  During an Agoran Decision, a player can increase their voting
>  strength on that decision by destroying (syn. "eating",
>  "consuming") Comestibles. Eir voting strength is increased by
>  one-tenth the total Value of the Comestibles destroyed this way,
>  rounded down, to a maximum of 5.
>  A Comestible is an Expired Comestible if it was created by
>  accepting an offer announced more than three Agoran months ago. An
>  Expired Comestible CANNOT be consumed to increase voting strength,
>  and MAY be destroyed by any player, by announcement. The Agronomist
>  SHALL destroy all Expired Comestibles at the start of each Agoran
>  month.
> Enact a new rule, with power 2.0, titled “The Agronomist”, with the following
> text:
>  The Agronomist is an office.
>  The Agronomist's weekly report includes:
>  * A list of Farms and their owners.
>  * A list of Comestibles offers that have not been accepted and have
>    not expired.
> Make babelian the Agronomist.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7874
> Title: Shorter Apologies
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 2427 ("Yellow Cards"), replacing the number 200 with the number 150
> wherever it appears in the text of the rule.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7845
> Title: Better Accounting
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: nichdel
> Co-authors:
> Amend R2496 "Rewards" by, at the end of the first paragraph, adding:
>  When a player claims a reward, e SHALL list the number of shinies e
>  receives, or it is INEFFECTIVE.
> Amend R2497 "Floating Value" by, at the end, adding:
>  When the Secretary flips the Floating Value, e SHOULD note the new
>  values for rewards and expenses.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: pp1
> Title: Organization Repeal
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: o
> Co-authors:
> Destroy each Organization.
> Repeal rule 2459 ("Organizations").
> Repeal rule 2461 ("Death and Birth of Organizations").
> Repeal rule 2460 ("Organizational Restructuring").
> Repeal rule 2457 ("Lockout").
> Repeal rule 2458 ("Invoking Lockout").
> Repeal rule 2462 ("Bankruptcy").
> Amend rule 2456 ("The Secretary") by
>  * Changing its title to "The Treasuror", then by
>  * Replacing its text, entirely, with:
>    {{{
>        The Treasuror is an office, and the recordkeepor of Shinies.
>        The Treasuror's weekly report also includes:
>        1. the current Floating Value, and all derived values
>           defined by the Rules.
>    }}}
> Make o the Treasuror.
> Amend rule 2166 ("Assets") by:
>  * Replacing the paragraph:
>    {{{
>        Unless modified by an asset's backing document, ownership
>        of an asset is restricted to Agora, persons, and
>        organizations.
>    }}}
>    with:
>    {{{
>        Unless modified by an asset's backing document, ownership
>        of an asset is restricted to Agora and persons.
>    }}}
>    then by
>    * Removing the paragraph:
>    {{{
>        An organization's charter CAN specify whether or not that
>        organization is willing receive assets or a class of
>        assets. Generally, an organization CANNOT be given assets
>        its charter states that it is unwilling to receive. The
>        previous provisions of this paragraph do not apply to an
>        asset if the organization is required to provide that asset
>        in order to continue existing.
>    }}}
> Amend rule 2489 ("Estates") by replacing the first sentence with:
>  {{{
>      An Estate is a type of indestructible liquid asset.
>  }}}
> Amend rule 2491 ("Estate Auctions") by replacing its text,
> entirely, with:
>  {{{
>      At the start of each month, if Agora owns at least one
>      Estate, the Surveyor shall put one Estate which is owned by
>      Agora up for auction, by announcement. Each auction ends
>      seven days after it begins.
>      During an auction, any player may bid a number of Shinies
>      by announcement, provided that the bid is higher than any
>      previously-placed bid in the same auction.
>      If, at the end of the auction, there is a single highest
>      bid, then the player who placed that bid wins the auction.
>      The player who placed the winning bid CAN cause Agora to
>      transfer the auctioned Estate to the winner by
>      announcement, if e pays Agora the amount of the bid. E
>      SHALL do so in a timely fashion.
>  }}}
> Amend rule 2483 ("Economics") by replacing its text, entirely, with:
>  {{{
>      Shinies (singular "shiny", abbreviated "sh.") are an
>      indestructible liquid currency, and the official currency
>      of Agora. The Treasuror is the recordkeepor for shinies.
>      The Treasuror CAN cause Agora to pay any player or
>      organization by announcement if doing so is specified by a
>      rule.
>  }}}
> Repeal rule 2485 ("You can't take it with you").
> Amend the following rules, in order, by replacing the word
> "Secretary" with the word "Treasuror" wherever it appears:
>  * Rule 2487 ("Shiny Supply Level")
>  * Rule 2498 ("Economic Wins")
>  * Rule 2497 ("Floating Value")
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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