Go on, tell us what you _really_ think of the Euro.


> On Sep 11, 2017, at 7:21 AM, Nicholas Evans <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Using tge same cyrrency for distinct markets with distinct financial controls 
> is usually a bad idea in the real world where people are incentivized to 
> maintain it. It'll be worse in a virtual world.
> I'd still support if Subers didn't supplant shinies but rather was 
> exchangeable.
> On Sep 11, 2017 4:05 AM, "Gaelan Steele" <gael...@icloud.com 
> <mailto:gael...@icloud.com>> wrote:
> Idea: a “universal” currency that can be used across Nomics. I’d propose the 
> name as “Subers,” but I’m not super attached to that. I’d implement it such 
> that each Suber always belongs to one nomic. A nomic may internally allocate 
> their Subers however they wish, but that isn’t visible to other nomics. This 
> allows us a lot of freedom with regards to things like Contracts owning 
> Subers. In terms of record keeping, I’d have each nomic track the Subers in 
> its possession. Wording would vary across nomics of course, but I figure 
> around here Subers would be assets, and we would have something along the 
> lines of “A player CAN create any number of Subers in their possession by 
> announcement if an equal number of Subers were destroyed in another nomic 
> with the intent of transferring them to that player in Agora. The Subers in 
> the other nomic must be able to be traced back to a Suber Creation Event that 
> was authorized by Agora. Any player CAN destroy any number of Subers in their 
> possession. If they do so, they SHALL create the equivalent number of Subers 
> in  another nomic, citing this destruction as the source, within the next two 
> hours. If they do not do so, the Subers are recreated and are not considered 
> destroyed for the purposes of foreign rules.”
> I guess the most important question is whether there is another nomic that 
> would be interested in such a mechanic; it seems like something BlogNomic 
> wouldn’t be willing to keep around for more than a dynasty; I don’t know FRC 
> well enough to know how they would react to such a thing. Are there any other 
> nomics around that have overlap with our player base?
> Gaelan

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