On Sat, 9 Sep 2017, Aris Merchant wrote: > I pend "Conditionals and Determinacy" by paying 1 shiny to Agora.
Having read this, this is a place that has functioned through the Courts for at least 15 years, and I prefer to keep it that way. First because attempting to legislate and codify circular logic leaves it more open to breaking via that very circular logic, whereas "unwritten common sense" can cut through logical loops. (Suber has a nice article on this topic in the Metamagical Themas chapter on nomic). Second because I think it's interesting gameplay-wise to continue to leave some deep mechanisms under the purview of the judiciary. So, in the balance of legislative and common law, I'd put conditionals on the common law side. Probably, among everything else that's common law, this is the one I would most want to keep there. -G.