On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 9:53 AM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:

> $ echo 'It is possible to win by destroying Stamps in the possession of 
> others' | shasum -a 256
> 204aa33ed7c42e58d6f391b3878dc89738c8a1bb95b39b3ebcda2609c1fabe3c  -

On Sep 7, 2017, at 7:55 PM, VJ Rada <vijar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can you explain to a technological neophate how to decrypt that?

It’s not really encryption, so you can’t decrypt it. The idea is that the 
‘sha256’ algorithm takes a document as input, and produces an opaque value as 
output. The output value has the interesting property that if two outputs are 
equal, it is nearly certain[0] that the inputs are equal.

Yesterday, I said I knew something whose SHA256 hash is 

Today, I provided the input document, and a command you can use to verify that 
it has the same hash. This means it’s almost certainly the same document I 
already knew, yesterday - you can verify it yourself, without having to have 
access to either a time machine or psychic powers.

Gaelan did a similar thing, though he used a larger hash.


[0] Specifically, given to arbitrary documents as inputs, there is a 1 in 
 chance that they have the same SHA256 hash. For all intents and purposes, 
unless there’s an as-yet-undiscovered weakness in the algorithm, a SHA256 hash 
uniquely identifies a document.

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