Heh, fair enough.

> On Aug 22, 2017, at 9:58 PM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
> That’s an easy one. The five extra shinies are the ones that were held by the 
> Agoran Voting Market when proposal 7867 passed. This was an oversight in the 
> proposal, which zeroed Player balances but did not zero Organization 
> balances. No error has occurred.
> As Secretary, I intend, without 3 objections, to cause a Shiny Relevelling 
> event no earlier than Saturday, August 26th, 18:00 Pacific Daylight Time.
> -o
>> On Aug 23, 2017, at 12:43 AM, Gaelan Steele <g...@canishe.com> wrote:
>> I object. Something went wrong somewhere between the shiny reform and now; 
>> shinies shouldn’t be able to appear out of nowhere. After we figure out what 
>> went wrong, assuming the error has already been ratified (if it hasn’t, we 
>> just CoE), then we can go about resolving the problem, whether via 
>> Ratification Without Objection or a Relevelling Event.
>> Gaelan
>>> On Aug 22, 2017, at 9:14 PM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
>>> As Secretary, I intend, without 3 objections, to cause a Shiny Relevelling 
>>> event no earlier than Saturday, August 26th, 18:00 Pacific Daylight Time. 
>>> We appear to have too many shinies sloshing around:
>>>         6 Shinies  Agora
>>>         1 Shinies  Organization
>>>         1 Shinies    ASaAA
>>>       998 Shinies  Player
>>>        60 Shinies    Aris
>>>        60 Shinies    Gaelan
>>>        50 Shinies    Ienpw III,
>>>        50 Shinies    K
>>>        50 Shinies    Murphy
>>>        85 Shinies    Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>>>         5 Shinies    Quazie
>>>        50 Shinies    Quazie,
>>>        50 Shinies    Sprocklem
>>>        50 Shinies    Veggiekeks
>>>        50 Shinies    Zachary Watterson
>>>        34 Shinies    ais523
>>>        55 Shinies    babelian
>>>        50 Shinies    bayushi
>>>        50 Shinies    grok
>>>        11 Shinies    nichdel
>>>        88 Shinies    o
>>>        50 Shinies    omd
>>>        50 Shinies    tmanthe2nd
>>>        50 Shinies    天火狐
>>> -o

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