On Tue, 2017-07-11 at 01:27 -0400, Owen Jacobson wrote:
> I submit the following proposal:
> Title: Caseload
> AI: 2
> {{{
> Amend rule 991 (“Calls for Judgement”) and remove the sentence
>     The Arbitor SHALL assign judges over time such that all
> interested players have reasonably equal opportunities to judge.
> }}}
> An Arbitor who unreasonably favours specific judges or denies
> interested parties an opportunity to participate can be replaced in
> multiple ways without resorting to Cards.

As an extra note, the sentence in question is causing some problems for
me as it forces me to assign CFJs to players for which I'm not sure
whether or not the player in question is still participating in Agora.

We used to have an "inactive" status to deal with this sort of issue.
(An inactive player is in most senses a non-player, but they can
continue to hold player-only assets, and can become active again by
announcement without any sort of waiting period. Players who aren't
posting can be made inactive more easily than they can be registered;
With Notice seems like a sensible way to do that under the current


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