You didn't cite which CFJ so I don't know what you actually did in the quoted message
On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 11:34 AM V.J Rada <> wrote: > I call for reconsideration (again) and submit the following judgement of > FALSE > > 1. Facts > Despite (at the time, at least) not being the Surveyor, Cuddlebeam > attempted to > initiate 5 auctions for Estates. Four of these were of Estates owned by > Agora, and one was owned by a private party. E then called this CFJ to > determine whether any auction was indeed ongoing. While an auction is > currently ongoing, it is an oft-repeated maxim that CFJs shall be judged on > the facts at the calling of the CFJ. The question in this case is whether a > player can initiate auctions for any Estate by announcement and if not, > whether they may initate auctions for only private Estates or only Agoran > estates. > 2.The meaning of the word auction > Without resorting to any dictionaries, an auction means to me a sale in > which people bid for an item and the person who bid the most wins the item. > A dictionary definition of auction is similar: an auction is "a public > sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder." The > previously run auction for Estates worked in a similar way. There has been > some controversy about whether or not an auction with no possibility of > sale is indeed an auction. I ruled that it was not. PSS contended that > because under the current rules' provision for auctions, the auction itself > did not transfer Estates, my interpretation would render all auctions > invalid. However, I here affirm my previous ruling. The player transferring > the Estate to emself is similar to a person at a car auction grabbing the > item they bought. Even if transfer is not guarenteed, it is likely. I hold > that under the common sense, dictionary and game practise meaning of the > word "auction", a purported auction that is unlikely or impossible to > result in a transfer of the auctioned Estate > is no auction at all. > 3.Josh's Estate > I hold that the Estate Josh T holds cannot be transferred and thus no > auction is taking place for the Estate of Antegria (under the facts at the > time of the calling). The Rules state that "A player who owns an Estate > can and may transfer it to any player, to any Organization, or to Agora, > by announcement.". This clearly regulates the transferring of Estates and > places two conditions on it ("a player who owns an Estate" and "by > announcement". It is clear neither CB nor anyone else may transfer Josh's > estate to anyone else because they do not meet the restrictions. Fun fact: > when an organization is transferred an Estate, it can never leave. rito plz. > 4. Agoran Estates > Agora is not a sentient being (yet) and cannot act on its own behalf to > transfer Estates it owns. Therefore the rules create another way for > Estates to be transferred. By an auction initiated by the Surveyor. However > it also makes the judgement that this should only be done by the Surveyor, > once a month. CB is not the Surveyor, and he is attempting to initiate four > auctions at once. It is clear that the rules "limit" the action of > initiating an auction to the Surveyor. Previous judgements and messages > have invoked Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant, but that statutory cannon > applies to two conflicting statutes. I would instead invoke the principle > of both Agora and common law systems that a Rule or legislative decision > overrides any murky general ability to do something. CB's attempted actions > are outside the regulatory framework and therefore not effective. It was > clearly the intent of the writers of the rule for one Auction to happen at > once, and CB's action would disrupt the intent. > > FALSE >